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For some time now I have been struck by the irony of the European Commission’s chosen name for its building renovation policy package, the “renovation wave,” given that increasing the rate of renovation has been like pushing water uphill. Currently,… View Summary +

The European Union has committed to a net-zero economy by 2050. To get there, it must decarbonise the building stock, which accounts for 36% of EU carbon emissions. The current rate of renovation, however, is only one-third of that needed. View Summary +

How do we take Europe’s building stock to net-zero by 2050? Currently, only around 1% of the building stock is renovated each year. Even worse, only 0.2% of the renovated floor area undergoes a deep renovation that saves more than… View Summary +
Change is in the air. European leaders agreed in December that Europe would adopt a net-zero emissions target for 2050. The European Commission announced that it will put forward new legislation by March to enshrine climate neutrality in law. View Summary +

When we think of the complex transition to clean energy, we often think in terms of broad “how” questions. One question rightfully gaining increasing attention across the EU is how to address energy poverty as part of the clean energy… View Summary +

In a joint fact sheet, the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) and the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) recommend the introduction of minimum energy performance standards for rental buildings. In general, a household is said to be in energy poverty when its… View Summary +
Despite intense efforts by all parties, the recent United Nations Conference of Parties (COP-15) failed to create a legally binding treaty accepted by all nations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions that could help limit the global temperature rise to no… View Summary +