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If the video is not visible, please accept all cookies to enable the player. (If your browser settings are causing an issue viewing this video, you can find it on our YouTube channel here.) A 24/7 carbon-free electricity… View Summary +
In a webinar panel discussion, presenters discussed the fundamentals of designing an effective 24/7 carbon-free electricity transition tariff: Integrate transition tariff investments with ongoing utility planning. Ensure accurate hourly emissions tracking and verification. Design transition tariffs to accelerate complementary investments. View Summary +
(A summary version of this paper is also available.) An increasing number of national, state and local government leaders recognize that rapidly decarbonizing the electricity grid is necessary to slow the disruptive effects of a changing climate. At the… View Summary +
(A technical version of this paper, with four detailed appendices, is also available.) An increasing number of national, state and local government leaders recognize that rapidly decarbonizing the electricity grid is necessary to slow the disruptive effects of a… View Summary +
The rapid and parallel growth in both variable electricity production from wind and solar, and in large inherently flexible loads (such as electric vehicles and heat pumps) presents an opportunity to ensure that each transition is both reliable and affordable. View Summary +
A growing number of states have considered reforms to their net metering practices in recent years, a period of decreasing prices for distributed energy resources, rapid changes in technology and evolution of the electricity system. Depending on its… View Summary +
In a roundtable webinar discussion, a panel of experts representing varying perspectives — a vertically integrated utility, a restructured distribution utility and a community choice aggregator — discussed what demand- and supply-side resource portfolio procurement looks like for each of… View Summary +
If the video is not visible, please accept all cookies to enable the player. Earlier this fall, we explored next-generation approaches to competitive utility procurement in a webinar based on recent work by RAP and RMI — laying… View Summary +
Net metering with monthly netting — a simple billing mechanism for distributed energy resources (DERs), often primarily solar PV — has existed since the early 1980s. In recent years, there has been a wide-ranging national debate about the best methods… View Summary +
If the video is not visible, please accept all cookies to enable the player. Regulators have been thinking for decades about how competition can support an energy resource mix that best aligns with the public interest. Now, the landscape… View Summary +