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中国于2013年开始了7个碳排放交易试点工作,作为建立全国碳交易体系的试验田。最近在中美首脑气候变化联合声明中,中方肯定了于2017年启动全国碳排放交易体系的计划,并在立法层面取得了一些进展。 睿博能源智库(RAP )协专家团队为广州上海两地碳交易管理办法的制定提出了一些建议。其中许多建议对中国建立全国碳排放交易体系仍然具有借鉴意义。特别是美国区域温室减排行动(RGGI),美国东北部碳排放总量控制和交易体系的一些特点值得中国在设计全国碳排放交易体系时参考。睿博能源智库的高级项目主任David Farnsworth于9月10-11日在杜克昆山大学举办的中美气候变化行动与合作论坛上就这一主题分享了他的见解。 RGGI于2009年1月正式启动,对美国9个州25兆瓦以上发电厂的碳排放进行控制。跟其他的碳排放总量控制和交易体制类似,RGGI设定了碳排放总量目标,每个控排发电厂需要清缴充足的配额用于抵扣自身排放,配额可以进行交易从而为发电厂以最低成本履行减排义务提供了灵活性。 RGGI具有创新的地方在于: 总量控制和投资:RGGI与先前总量控制和碳排放交易制度的最大不同之处在于将几乎全部的碳排放配额采用拍卖的方式进行分配并将拍卖取得的收入投资于终端能效、可再生能源和其他对消费者有利的项目中。今天,超过一半以上的拍卖收入用于能效项目,这些项目能够减少排放,节约用户用电成本并在区域范围内提供更大的经济效益。从2008 到2014年,RGGI 各成员州的能效项目经费从5.75亿美元增长到17亿美元—在短短四年内增长了两倍。 与其他能源和环境政策相协调:RGGI最终的目标是在各成员州鼓励更清洁的能源消费结构。要以最低的成本完成减排目标要求在不同的策略之间进行协调,包括采用更高效的发电调度、减少化石燃料的消费、加大对可再生能源和终端能效的投资,以及实施综合的能源和环境政策。(详情请参看报告“低碳电力监管:巴西,欧盟和美国的国际经验”)… View Summary +
Much of the controversy associated with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Clean Power Plan has to do with disputes about whether the agency has the authority to set greenhouse gas emissions limits for power plants based only on… View Summary +
Under the proposed Clean Power Plan (CPP), traditional air regulation based on solutions at individual generation plants will shift to a more flexible approach based on four building blocks, one of which is energy efficiency. Given most states’ experience with… View Summary +
Ensuring that an acceptable level of electric system reliability is maintained as the Clean Power Plan is implemented is in everyone’s interest. This short paper suggests ways states can think about their reliability targets and associated tolerance bands in assessing… View Summary +
Since the rule’s proposal in June 2014, Clean Power Plan compliance discussions have been weighing the potential benefits of regional versus single-state approaches, and balancing possible lower program costs and administrative burdens against state concerns over compromising sovereignty. More recently,… View Summary +
If the video is not visible, please accept all cookies to enable the player. In a webinar on September 30, 2014, David Farnsworth, RAP senior associate, and Robin Quarrier, chief counsel at the Center for Resource Solutions, explained how existing renewable… View Summary +
Renewable energy is one of the four building blocks outlined in the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, and states are likely to rely upon the production of renewable energy as a part of their efforts to control carbon in the electric… View Summary +
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan proposed rule to regulate carbon dioxide under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act potentially impacts states’ renewable energy programs and policies, including renewable portfolio standards (RPS). Aiming… View Summary +
With the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Section 111(d) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for new plants published in January 2014—and a proposed rule for existing fossil generators expected in June 2014—many states are exploring the development of… View Summary +
With over a half-dozen environmental regulations expected in the next several years, many state energy regulators find themselves having to reach beyond their traditional regulatory boundaries to understand the effects of public health and environmental regulations on the energy sector. View Summary +