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The U.K.’s marketwide capacity mechanism for electricity provides a solution to a supply problem that has yet to emerge, writes Phil Baker. A targeted strategic reserve is likely to be a more cost-reflective alternative, he argues. In 2014 Great… View Summary +

The Indian economy is among the fastest-growing in the world. Sustaining this growth requires a healthy electricity sector that is able to meet increased demands, ideally alongside an eye to environmental sustainability. Yet electricity consumers continue to face unreliable supply,… View Summary +

Die Stromverteilnetze in Europa arbeiten weit unter ihrem vollen Potenzial. Das Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen kann deshalb weitestgehend ohne zusätzlichen Netzausbau erfolgen, hat das Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) in einer Kurzanalyse festgestellt. „Intelligente Preisgestaltung und smarte Technologien sind die Schlüssel dafür“,… View Summary +

Utility regulators in some states, recognizing the quickening pace of change in the energy sector, are looking ahead at how industry trends and policy drivers will affect the electricity system in their jurisdictions. Decision-makers in many other states are just… View Summary +
For electrification to be considered beneficial, it must meet one or more of the following conditions without adversely affecting the other two: Saves consumers money over the long run; Enables better grid management; and Reduces negative environmental impacts. Beneficial… View Summary +
Small, coal-fired district heating systems are a major source of air pollution in Poland. Applying EU regulations would go some way toward solving this problem, write Edith Bayer and Richard Cowart of global energy policy advisors Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP),… View Summary +

This paper was written to assist the Public Service Commission of Arkansas as it seeks to remove barriers to entry for aggregators of distributed energy resources (DERs), encourage customer participation—the key to the success of DERs —and incentivize utility cooperation… View Summary +