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March 17, 2021
Drama aus dem wahren Leben: Lernen aus einer texanischen Tragödie
- Michael Hogan ,
- Andreas Jahn ,
- Christian Redl ,
- Philipp Litz
Die Ereignisse am Strommarkt in Texas im Februar 2021 waren ein traumatisches Ereignis. Jedoch kann man eine Wiederholung verhindern, wenn man die Ursachen kennt. Wir wollen die wichtigsten Aspekte hervorheben. So führten die Winterstürme zu Bedingungen, die möglicherweise seit 100… View Summary +
March 21, 2019
Gilets Jaunes, RGGI, and Recommendations for China’s Carbon Reduction Policies
- Christopher James
The gilets jaunes (“yellow vests”) protests in France have highlighted the critical role that consumers must play in defining how we decarbonize our economies. In light of this and similar setbacks for action on climate change, such as the… View Summary +
March 21, 2019
- Christopher James
法国的 gilets jaunes (“黄马甲”)抗议活动提醒了我们一件事,在使经济脱碳方面消费者必须发挥关键作用。在抗击气候变化过程中发生过这样那样类似的挫折,例如2018年11月在美国华盛顿州取消碳税提案,人们可能很容易得出结论,公众不愿意为减少温室气体而付出代价。但这是… View Summary +
April 18, 2018
A Toolkit of Global Insights as China Builds Its Power Sector of the Future
- Max Dupuy ,
- Fredrich (Fritz) Kahrl ,
- Frederick Weston
China’s current power sector reforms began in March 2015 with Document #9, which was followed by the 13th Five-Year Plan and a series of further policies that aim to reduce renewables curtailment and further integrate renewable energy into… View Summary +
May 23, 2011
Modeling a More Efficient Power Plant
In 2003, RAP first developed the concept of the efficiency power plant (EPP), a set of integrated energy efficiency programs whose savings mirror the output of a conventional power plant. Since then, we’ve worked with our Chinese partners to further… View Summary +