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February 24, 2021
RGGI’s Program Review Offers a Chance to Revisit Local Air Quality Needs
While there is substantial evidence that the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) has been very successful at reducing carbon and other emissions across the multi-state region, there is still important work to be done to document and ensure air… View Summary +

January 25, 2021
Why Rate Design in New England Needs a Refresh
- David Littell ,
- Donna Brutkoski
Looking ahead to 2030 and then beyond to 2050, the majority of New England states have set ambitious clean energy goals. The growing adoption of new technology empowers energy customers to play a direct role in making these goals happen… View Summary +

October 26, 2020
Revisiting the Public Good, Part 2: What Do We Mean by “Good”?
Simple terms can provide a useful framework and help us understand complex things. Raising children, for example, is a highly involved, lengthy and expensive undertaking, but can be reduced to a couple of words: You want your kids to grow… View Summary +

October 23, 2020
Revisiting the Public Good, Part 1: A Better Understanding of “Public”
Ensuring the “public good” has been a central regulatory goal since the US Supreme Court decided Munn v. Illinois in 1876, a case in which the court determined that grain elevators — because of their key role in the… View Summary +

June 19, 2020
Connecting Cities to the PUC Process
As municipal policymakers take increasingly active roles in moving their cities through the energy transition, they need to know their way around their states’ utility regulatory landscape. RAP and our partners at the Building Electrification Initiative (BEI) tackled this… View Summary +

May 13, 2020
The EV Transition Is a Challenging Journey, but State PUCs Are Taking the First Steps
RAP’s recent publication, Taking First Steps: Insights for State Utility Commissions Preparing for Electric Transportation starts with the observation that “while no one state agency has clear responsibility for it, utility commissions are taking their first steps toward understanding… View Summary +

April 8, 2020
Three New EV Resources from RAP
The market for electric vehicles — from cars to buses to delivery vans — continues to expand around the world, and the pace of innovation is accelerating. While current public health and economic challenges may pose a temporary roadblock, it… View Summary +

December 2, 2019
- Carl Linvill ,
- Jim Lazar ,
- David Littell ,
- Jessica Shipley ,
- David Farnsworth
简介 电力系统最基本的规则是发输用电必须同时完成。多年来,电网运营商一直在确定系统的负荷,并通过增加可用的发电机来满足需求、调整供电。 然而,现在供应侧出现了快速爬坡和高度灵活的联合循环燃气轮机发电等新技术,需求侧也出现了智能热水器和储能等新技术,另外,输电能力和系统运行也得到了改善。这些新技术共同创造了巨大的机会,使电力系统比以往更加灵活。… View Summary +

October 16, 2019
“电力期刊”(The Electricity Journal)睿博能源智库特刊简介
- John Shenot
美国是全世界温室气体排放第二大国,同时也是技术和经济实力的领头羊。美国有能力引领世界寻找应对气候变化紧迫挑战的解决方案,同时迅速彻底地完成自我脱碳。 为了使能源消费向更清洁、更具成本效益的方向转变,我们需要零碳发电技术,并在使用化石燃料的终端用户侧实现大规模电气化。零碳发电技术已经实现商业化普及应用,而且成本越来越低。另外,包括储能在内的技术方案,可以增加电网灵活性,也将更便宜和更具可用性。 简言之,技术不再是脱碳经济面临的挑战。… View Summary +

September 18, 2019
Clean, Flexible and Efficient: A Recipe for Energy Optimization
- John Shenot
The United States is the second-highest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet — but we are also a leader in technological and economic strength. We have the capability to lead the world in finding solutions to the urgent challenge… View Summary +