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March 11, 2020
E-Mobilität braucht Reform der Netzentgelte
Wenn die Elektromobilität in Deutschland ein Erfolg werden soll, muss ihre Einbindung ins Stromnetz von Anfang an mitgedacht werden. Bisher fehle ein schlüssiger Ansatz dazu. Alle reden vom Hochlauf der Elektromobilität. Bis 2025 sollen zwei bis… View Summary +
![Mann schaut auf Handy bei einer Ladestation für Elektroauto Man looks at cell phone while charging electric vehicle|Mann schaut auf Handy bei einer Ladestation für Elektroauto Man looks at cell phone while charging electric vehicle](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/tagesspiegel-blog-network-charge-reform-featured-image-680x420.jpg)
February 11, 2020
Polish coal boiler phase-out an inspiration for clean heat
It all started in Krakow, Poland. The medieval city is known for its beauty, but also for poor air quality from coal heating. In 2012, a group of local residents joined together and founded the organisation Krakow… View Summary +
![Dr. Jan Rosenow speaking about energy efficiency and renewable energy at a conference](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/jan-polish-boiler-blog-featured-image-680x420.jpg)
February 5, 2020
For MADRI, the End of an Era … and the Beginning of Another
- John Shenot
Over the past 15 years, a group of power sector professionals have followed — and fostered — developments in an era of enormous change for the sector. In December, the group met in Washington DC for the 54th and final… View Summary +
January 28, 2020
Updating Embedded Cost of Service Studies for a New Era
- Jim Lazar ,
- Mark LeBel ,
- Paul Chernick
In the first blog post in this series, we outlined how our new manual, Electric Cost Allocation for a New Era, looks comprehensively at the process of dividing utility costs among customer classes — and proposes several ways it… View Summary +
January 22, 2020
A Green Deal that works for everyone – Making the renovation wave a reality
Change is in the air. European leaders agreed in December that Europe would adopt a net-zero emissions target for 2050. The European Commission announced that it will put forward new legislation by March to enshrine climate neutrality in law. View Summary +
![in need of renovation](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/renovation-wave-credit-js-b-flickr-featured-image-680x420.jpg)
January 6, 2020
Cost Allocation: New Approaches for a New Era
- Jim Lazar ,
- Paul Chernick ,
- William Marcus ,
- Mark LeBel
Setting electric utility rates has traditionally been a three-step process: first, determining the revenue requirement; second, determining how to equitably divide costs among classes of ratepayers; and third, designing the rates themselves. That second step, cost allocation, is a… View Summary +
December 2, 2019
- Carl Linvill ,
- Jim Lazar ,
- David Littell ,
- Jessica Shipley ,
- David Farnsworth
简介 电力系统最基本的规则是发输用电必须同时完成。多年来,电网运营商一直在确定系统的负荷,并通过增加可用的发电机来满足需求、调整供电。 然而,现在供应侧出现了快速爬坡和高度灵活的联合循环燃气轮机发电等新技术,需求侧也出现了智能热水器和储能等新技术,另外,输电能力和系统运行也得到了改善。这些新技术共同创造了巨大的机会,使电力系统比以往更加灵活。… View Summary +
![Flexibility for the 21st Century Power System](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/pexels-photo-169647-scaled-1-680x420.jpeg)
November 13, 2019
Navigare necesse est: Rerouting network companies toward decarbonisation
Changing the course of a sailboat requires coordinated action. The skipper announces the manoeuvre to the crew, turns the rudder and works with the crew to readjust the sails. To achieve the maximum cruising speed with the prevailing winds and… View Summary +
![crew on regatta sailboat sailing on ocean under blue sky|crew on regatta sailboat sailing on ocean under blue sky|crew on regatta sailboat sailing on ocean under blue sky](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/pbr-sailing-blog-featured-image-680x329.jpg)
November 12, 2019
- Lu Hong ,
- Kevin Porter ,
- Max Dupuy
中国的风能和太阳能装机容量世界第一,且有望成为“世界可再生能源的超级大国”。然而,中国也遇到了弃风限电问题。虽然近年来可再生能源弃电量有显著下降,但在很多省份仍然存在问题,且将随着风能和太阳能发电装机量的增长而持续成为挑战。幸运的是,政府部门正在制定诸多应对的战略措施。成功的关键要看这些战略是否协调一致。 近来,刊登在“气候政策”上的… View Summary +
![Wind turbine along road|](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/shutterstock-213835756-featured-680x420.jpg)
November 12, 2019
Improving Power System Dispatch Reduces Wind Curtailment More Effectively than Retrofitting Coal Plants
- Lu Hong ,
- Kevin Porter ,
- Max Dupuy
China has the most installed wind and solar capacity in the world and has potential to become “the world’s renewable energy superpower.” However, China’s power sector has also struggled with extensive curtailment of wind and solar generation. Although renewables… View Summary +
![Wind turbine along road|](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/shutterstock-213835756-featured-680x420.jpg)