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September 22, 2019
The UK’s August 9 blackout: Why did it happen and what can we learn?
- Philip Baker
The power outages that occurred in the United Kingdom on August 9 demonstrated our increasing dependence on secure electricity supplies and the extremely disruptive consequences when those supplies fail. The reasons for the extent of the disruption to transport… View Summary +

September 18, 2019
Clean, Flexible and Efficient: A Recipe for Energy Optimization
- John Shenot
The United States is the second-highest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet — but we are also a leader in technological and economic strength. We have the capability to lead the world in finding solutions to the urgent challenge… View Summary +

August 29, 2019
Electric Cars Are a Lot Like Water Heaters
- Jim Lazar
People unfamiliar with electric cars often fear that a blossoming of EV ownership will bring chaos to the electric grid. For example, I recently spoke with the manager of a beach resort who was fearful of adding an EV charger,… View Summary +

August 8, 2019
美国电力监管点评 — 当各州监管权遇到跨区电力市场:界线在哪?
原则上,美国跨州电力批发市场由联邦能源监管委员会(FERC)监管,而电力零售市场由各州监管。各州监管权界限问题也历经漫长而动荡的过程。随着电力批发市场的演化,虽然州权力的争执对有组织的批发电力市场构不成重大影响,但州权与电力批发市场监管的界线却偶有争议。最近在美国国内,有关区域输电组织(RTO)覆盖地区的州政府权利问题上的相关讨论变得相当活跃。最近引起争议的是最高法院的一项裁决。 去年,美国一家化石燃料发电企业对纽约和伊利诺伊州州对核电进行补贴的合法性提出质疑,当地法院维持了补贴的合法性(详见文末“背景”)。企业向联邦法院申诉请求重审下级法院的裁决。2019年4月,美国联邦最高法院驳回其请求,这既是关于支持核电补贴的终裁,也维护了参与跨区批发电力市场的各州在制定发电政策时的管辖范围。… View Summary +

August 5, 2019
A Trans-Atlantic Take on Building Efficiency: Lessons from Germany and New England
Despite being an ocean apart, Germany and New England are similar in many respects. More than 75% of energy used for residential heat in both places relies on natural gas or heating oil. And both have adopted ambitious energy and… View Summary +

July 1, 2019
Paying our way out of purgatory? Is carbon pricing enough?
After the Pope backs a carbon tax to stem global warming, Louise Sunderland argues that only when coupled with the strategic use of the revenues will carbon taxes be efficient and cost-effective enough. This month, Pope Francis announced that… View Summary +

June 28, 2019
国际电力改革和气候变化季报回顾近期全球电力行业和气候变化政策和监管的最新进展,并摘选一些我们认为对中国特别相关的进展,以供参考。 1) 美国:燃煤发电量持续下降 美国能源信息署报告称,2018年美国燃煤净发电量占总发电量的比重从2015年的35%下降至2018年的28%(夏季月份),并预测该比例将继续下降,… View Summary +

June 26, 2019
Why I replaced my new gas boiler with a heat pump
After installing a new air source heat pump in my home, I posted a photo on Twitter, delighted about the carbon emissions we will save. My celebration, however, was short-lived. The post triggered an intense discussion with many… View Summary +

June 19, 2019
Regulatory Reform is a Game of Hopscotch, Not a Flying Leap
- Jessica Shipley
The changes underway in the electricity industry are well documented: Demand is flat or declining; renewable energy and storage technology costs are plummeting; utilities and third parties are offering customers new technologies and services; and the need to cut emissions… View Summary +

June 6, 2019
New Approaches Needed to Value India’s Energy Resources
- Rasika Athawale
Central and state renewable energy procurement agencies in India cancelled approximately 7,000 MW of tenders for solar and wind capacity addition in 2018. They reason that delaying procurement will lead to savings in purchase costs, since the levelised… View Summary +