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March 14, 2019
Renovating Energy Policy to Encourage Beneficial Electrification
- Jessica Shipley ,
- Donna Brutkoski
RAP’s recent papers on the beneficial electrification of space heating and water heating draw a picture of great potential. Electrification of these fossil-fueled end uses could cut carbon emissions significantly while saving consumers money and providing power system operators with… View Summary +

March 14, 2019
- David Farnsworth ,
- Jessica Shipley ,
- Joni Sliger ,
- Jim Lazar
实施共益电气化交通 本节列出了确保交通电气化有益的一些考虑因素。此外,我们会提供一套与共益电气化相关的策略供各州考虑。 保障公共利益的几点思考… View Summary +

March 1, 2019
- David Farnsworth ,
- Jessica Shipley ,
- Joni Sliger ,
- Jim Lazar
执行摘要 技术进步,无论是发电效率还是终端能源效率,都为共益电气化提供了机会。交通、供暖、热水供应,就是这些机会之一。在电池成本下降和性能提升的推动下,电动汽车(EV)市场正在快速增长。自动驾驶汽车技术的开发和采用,以及对共享交通服务不断增长的需求也在塑造这一市场。 在当今不断变化的环境中,电动汽车的可用性和便利性日益增加,用户也逐渐习惯。与内燃机车辆相比,电动汽车可将其充电量的60%转换为行驶里程数,而相等情况下内燃机车辆仅能转换约20%的一次能源。由于这种高效率,电动汽车可以显著降低成本且减少污染。电动汽车充电负荷也可以作为电网的资源进行控制和管理。 为确保电动汽车惠及公众,政策制定者需要确定公众对交通市场的要求。他们还必须协调平衡市场参与者的需求与公共利益。我们鼓励公用事业委员会在各州都可以找到相应的平衡点,如果现有的法规权力不足,则应向立法机构需求帮助。 将技术与交通需求匹配… View Summary +

February 21, 2019
Electronic Certificate Tracking Systems Offer Advantages for China’s Renewable Energy Quota
- Rachael Terada ,
- Ryan Wiser ,
- Lijun Yue
A key policy driver to support renewable energy development is a renewable energy quota. China is considering a new renewable energy quota system for its electricity sector that will support its aggressive clean energy goals. On November 15, 2018,… View Summary +

February 21, 2019
- Rachael Terada ,
- Ryan Wiser ,
- Lijun Yue
可再生能源配额是支持可再生能源发展的关键政策驱动力。 中国正在考虑实施可再生能源配额制度,以支持其积极的清洁能源目标。 2018年11月15日,国家能源局发布了“可再生能源和电力配额制度实施通知”第三次征求意见稿。… View Summary +

February 19, 2019
Voluntary Renewable Energy Certificates: Win-Win for India Inc. and Government
- Rasika Athawale ,
- Ranjit Bharvirkar
Government actions to facilitate the use of renewable energy certificates (RECs) can improve Indian companies’ ability to compete globally—a major policy objective of the current government. Driven partly by consumer demand, firms are being serious about the “source” of… View Summary +

February 18, 2019
- David Farnsworth ,
- Jim Lazar ,
- Jessica Shipley
执行摘要 技术进步,无论是发电效率还是最终使用燃料,都为共益电气化提供了机会。热水供应就是这些机会之一。热水供应占住宅能源帐单的近20% 左右——而且简单地说,今天用电加热1加仑水所需的能源,远远少于直接用化石燃料加热。 在本文中,我们探索可用于热水供应电气化有益的策略,这意味着它将满足我们的共益电气化标准中的至少一个,且同时不会对另外两个产生不利影响: 从长期看可以为消费者省钱;… View Summary +

February 15, 2019
India Kick-Starts Wholesale Market Reforms
- Dheer Patel
Over the last couple of decades, Indian policymakers have been implementing a wide range of reforms in the electricity sector with the goal of providing reliable, affordable, and clean power to all citizens. During the last few months, the… View Summary +

February 7, 2019
EU at risk of missing 2020 energy efficiency targets: Lessons for 2030
Energy consumption in the EU is rising despite targets to reduce demand across Europe. This should not come as a surprise and is explained mainly by GDP growth, writes Samuel Thomas. It’s 1992. The Republicans have been in the White… View Summary +

December 26, 2018
Energy markets will deliver the flexible, decarbonised power system that we need, not capacity markets
- Michael Hogan ,
- Philip Baker
Energy-only markets will enable the integration of the European electricity market and development of the flexible resources needed to support a decarbonised future. Philip Baker and Michael Hogan offer a critique to RTE’s impact assessment of the French capacity market. View Summary +