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Ensuring a stronger grid that is capable of withstanding a catastrophic event, or alternatively a grid for which outage durations can be minimized in such an event, involves several steps. First is prevention: identifying the grid’s weaknesses and how to… View Summary +
The harsh weather and inaccessible geography of rural Alaska communities pose significant energy challenges to the region, including keeping electricity and other energy costs very high compared to the lower 48 and even more populous regions of the state. Many… View Summary +
The harsh weather and inaccessible geography of rural Alaska communities pose significant energy challenges to the region, including keeping electricity and other energy costs very high compared to the lower 48 and even more populous regions of the state. Many… View Summary +
电力需求侧管理杂志于2015年7月在环球揽萃栏目节选刊登了睿博能源智库受世界银行委托撰写的报告。基于对美国电力行业监管的经验,文章介绍了美国监管机构及其职能,并结合实例深入地阐述了美国在能效资源的获取、定价和融资以及与此相关的电网公司收入监管、激励机制方面的最佳实践。初步探究了需求响应和储能技术在美国的应用以及面临的挑战。文章的最后也简要地概括了美国区域温室气体减排行动(RGGI)特别是收入循环利用开发能效资源的经验。… View Summary +
Electric vehicles (EVs) are commonly viewed as a crucial mechanism to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, increase energy security, and improve air quality. Widespread adoption of EVs also represents an opportunity for energy utilities and consumers. On April 30, 2015,… View Summary +
Thermal energy efficiency—improvements in the usable heating and cooling performance of buildings—directly lowers energy costs and creates indirect benefits for the household and broader community. These include improved energy affordability, improved work and school productivity, job creation, and reduced greenhouse… View Summary +
تم إعداد هذا التقرير ضمن مشروع للبنك الدولي حول كفاءة الطاقة في منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال افريقيا، ويتضمن دراسات حاالت مف ّصلة وآليات تنظيمية تم تطبيقها في ستة دول ومناطق لتمكين الشركات من مساعدة زبائنها فيما يتصل باستخدام الكهرباء بكفاءة… View Summary +
This report, produced for a World Bank project on energy efficiency in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, includes detailed case studies of policy and regulatory mechanisms implemented in six countries and regions to enable utilities to assist… View Summary +
Puerto Rico is currently considering legislation on power sector reform that would create regulatory oversight of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) and any other energy service provider that is or would be engaged in furnishing electric services. A… View Summary +
Puerto Rico is confronting a growing list of challenges in the electricity sector. Perhaps chief among them are high rates and inefficient generation. These challenges are increasingly recognized as concerns connected to governance and oversight of the Puerto Rico Energy… View Summary +
Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) can help deliver the EU 2050 policy vision of cities free of conventionally fuelled vehicles and a power sector absent of carbon, as they have no tailpipe emissions and create far less noise compared with conventional… View Summary +
This brief review provides a high-level comparison of the savings performance of states with an energy efficiency resource standard (EERS) against states without. Overall, the states with the EERS or a tailored utility target for energy efficiency tend to produce… View Summary +
RAP’s report for Western Governors’ Association, “Renewable Resources and Transmission in the West: Interviews on the Western Renewable Energy Zones Initiative,” details interviews with utilities, public utility commissions and provincial energy ministries on potential collaboration to develop WREZ resources of… View Summary +
This report sets out a broad-based strategy to improve the energy fitness of Vermont buildings and to lower fuel bills for Vermont families and businesses. It is an update of “Affordable Heat: A Whole-Buildings Efficiency Service for Vermont Families and… View Summary +
Rate design is a crucial element of an overall regulatory strategy that fosters energy efficiency and sends appropriate signals about efficient system investment and operations. Rate design is also fully under the control of state regulators. Progressive rate design elements… View Summary +