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This policy brief outlines a number of concerns regarding the design of the proposed Great Britain capacity market and, more generally, over the Department for Energy and Climate Change’s (DECC) decision to opt for a market-wide capacity remuneration mechanism (CRM)… View Summary +
This short policy brief dispels the myth that electricity portfolios with high penetrations of variable renewable resources threaten reliability. The authors review eight recent studies commissioned by utilities, governments, and non-governmental organizations to address this issue, and find that none… View Summary +
Delivering investment for a reliable power supply to consumers at a reasonable cost has always been a central objective of power market design, and various approaches to this challenge have been adopted in Europe and elsewhere. Where a competitive wholesale… View Summary +
RAP’s Mike Hogan and Bentham Paulos, of America’s Power Plan, describe market design ideas for dealing with increased system variability in the January 2014 edition of Public Utilities Fortnightly. Renewables and demand-side technologies have some features that will disrupt traditional… View Summary +
In comments submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Docket AD13-7-000, which considers how centralized capacity market rules support the procurement and retention of resources necessary to meet future reliability and operational needs, RAP suggests three areas warranting additional consideration. View Summary +
In these comments filed with the Public Utility Commission of Texas’ Project 40000, RAP offers suggestions for how to evaluate “resource adequacy” in terms that ultimately matter most to Texas businesses and consumers and for defining the product one is… View Summary +
Wholesale markets will play a key role in driving investment in the flexible resources needed to ensure reliability as the share of intermittent renewable resources grows. The author identifies three areas where power markets can adapt to enable an affordable,… View Summary +
In comments to the European Commission, RAP emphasized the importance of establishing effective market mechanisms to encourage investment in resources capable of providing critical system services, including energy efficiency and demand response resources. RAP also recommends reframing the issue to… View Summary +
In these comments filed with the Texas Public Utility Commission, RAP responds to recommendations made by other organizations in the PUC’s Project 40000, Proceeding to Ensure Resource Adequacy in Texas. In markets with a significant share of variable resources, such… View Summary +