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The energy efficiency of the buildings in which we live and work is well below economically optimal levels. Building owners typically have both much less informa¬tion and much less focus on the energy implications of their investment decisions than do… View Summary +
This paper appeared in Volume 24 of the Energy and Environment Journal. The authors identify key policy issues and options for an energy efficiency fed-in-tariff (EE FiT) design. While an EE FiT will not always be the best approach, its… View Summary +
In October 2012, the European Parliament and Council adopted the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) to provide a stronger legal framework for Member States, energy companies, businesses, and consumers to capture a growing fraction of the cost-effective energy efficiency potential still… View Summary +
Energy efficiency feed-in-tariffs (FiTs) are an intriguing new concept for accelerating investment in end-use energy efficiency. By offering a significant new revenue stream for any business that can generate savings, they have the potential to unearth and harness innovations in… View Summary +
In August 2011, the Regulatory Assistance Project officially joined the IEA DSM Programme as a Sponsor. The IEA DSM (Demand-Side Management) Programme is an international collaboration of countries working together to develop and promote opportunities for demand-side management. RAP’s participation… View Summary +
This paper was presented at the 2011 ECEEE Summer Study. With the adoption of the Climate and Energy Package in 2008, European decision-makers created an integrated suite of policies to reduce carbon emissions, increase renewable energy production, and advance energy… View Summary +
With the adoption of the Climate and Energy Package in 2008, European decision-makers created an integrated suite of policies to reduce carbon emissions, increase renewable energy production, and advance energy savings. As the EU ETS moves to carbon auctioning, decision-makers… View Summary +
In consultation with Chinese environmental officials on air pollution law and regulation, the authors of this report have prepared an in-depth analysis of U.S. and other international air regulation experience related to thirteen key issues. View Summary +
This testimony focuses on carbon cap and trade architecture for the US power sector with a focus on allowance allocation policies. View Summary +
This article, first published in the Vermont Law Review, focuses on how cap-and-trade systems for the power sector can be designed to accelerate investments in energy efficiency, which would permit more-rapid carbon reductions at a lower cost to consumers and… View Summary +