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April 4, 2024
A New Chapter of Growth for RAP
- Regulatory Assistance Project
The Regulatory Assistance Project is beginning a new chapter of growth and thought leadership as we continue bringing clarity to the complexity of the clean energy transition. After thoughtful discussions between Richard Sedano and the RAP board of directors, Sedano… View Summary +

November 14, 2023
Introducing RAP’s new look and improved website
- Richard Sedano
At the Regulatory Assistance Project, we have always been guided by a vision where clean, sustainable energy is a reality in our world. In many ways, this is a vision of a changing world. As RAP helps governments improve and… View Summary +

May 28, 2020
Power Sector Transformation and Economic Recovery in China
- Richard Sedano
The good news is that coal is struggling around much of the world because the business case for coal-fired power is diminishing year by year. In competitive procurements around the globe, portfolios of clean energy — wind and solar especially… View Summary +
June 1, 2017
Big Thinking from a Small State
- Richard Sedano
Once in a while, it can be interesting to take a deep look at what one state is doing in the power sector reform arena. New York, California, and others get a lot of attention. But the small state of… View Summary +

June 1, 2017
Spotting Opportunities to Innovate
- Richard Sedano
Two years ago, RAP produced a Menu of Options for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the power sector for the National Association of Clean Air Agencies. The report contains 26 detailed chapters, 25 of which look at proven… View Summary +

April 19, 2017
Customizing Decoupling for Your State
- Richard Sedano
Since its formation over a hundred years ago, the electric utility industry in the United States, and the regulatory framework that governs it, has traditionally operated under the core principle that if you sell more electrons, you earn more money. View Summary +

February 9, 2017
Utilities Can Get a “LEG” Up with Beneficial Electrification—But Regulators Also Have to be Ready
- Ken Colburn ,
- Richard Sedano
In a series of blog posts over the last several weeks, RAP has spotlighted the opportunities associated with beneficial electrification—the practice of electrifying appliances and machines that are currently powered by fossil fuels. Embracing beneficial electrification provides a significant opportunity… View Summary +

January 12, 2016
Power Sector Transformation Advances, With Choices, Questions, and Big Opportunities
- Richard Sedano
As we head into the New Year, RAP’s U.S. team will be devoting more time to a broad set of issues known as “power sector transformation.” Power sector transformation in the United States will affect the way many of us… View Summary +
October 16, 2014
Securing the Social License to Transform Power Sector Regulation
- Richard Sedano
I recently participated in a conversation with North American regulation experts organized by University of Calgary professor and former California Energy Commissioner Michal Moore. The topic was the “social license” in energy regulation. What is the social… View Summary +