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April 17, 2019
Don’t throw money for heat decarbonisation out of the window
Last winter, I visited friends in London, who live in an old Victorian house. When I arrived for dinner, they told me that we could not use the kitchen as it was too cold. The radiators were running at full… View Summary +
October 27, 2018
Building efficiency is crucial to a fair energy transition
- Jan Rosenow ,
- Sibyl Steuwer
When we think of the complex transition to clean energy, we often think in terms of broad “how” questions. One question rightfully gaining increasing attention across the EU is how to address energy poverty as part of the clean energy… View Summary +
September 7, 2018
Replacing copper with negawatts—how RIIO-2 could revolutionise network regulation
Ofgem’s recent framework decision on improving its performance-based regulation scheme, RIIO, indicates that it may be ready to take a much-needed step toward levelling the playing field between supply-side and customer-side resources. However, it is not yet clear what the… View Summary +
August 8, 2018
Energy efficiency could cut UK home energy use in half
“We have done all the easy stuff on energy efficiency,” Dr. Jan Rosenow was told during a 2016 workshop organised by the National Infrastructure Commission on the future of heat in the United Kingdom. Some participants felt that energy efficiency… View Summary +
April 20, 2018
Without ambitious energy efficiency goals, the EU will fail Paris targets
- Jan Rosenow ,
- Stefan Scheuer
The Paris Climate Agreement’s entry into force has clearly not yet spurred policymakers to charge toward the goal of limiting climate change to “well below 2°C” and targeting 1.5°C, warn Dr. Jan Rosenow and Stefan Scheuer. Energy efficiency remains the… View Summary +
March 29, 2018
„Efficiency First“ muss zum Grundpfeiler der europäischen Energieunion werden
Die deutsche Bundesregierung hat sich „Efficiency First“ auf die Fahnen geschrieben und auch der Koalitionsvertrag der neuen Regierung macht sich dieses Prinzip zu eigen. Andere EU‑Mitgliedsstaaten sind hier offensichtlich noch skeptisch. Laut einem durchgesickerten Dokument des Rates der Europäischen… View Summary +
March 7, 2018
Don’t be fooled: ‘Efficiency First’ is a necessary discipline
- Jan Rosenow ,
- Richard Cowart ,
- Edith Bayer
The idea of “Efficiency First” is on the line in ongoing EU talks. Member States must realise that this is no mere slogan but a real necessity, write Dr. Jan Rosenow, Richard Cowart, and Edith Bayer. According to a… View Summary +
October 17, 2017
Does “Efficiency First” mean “Renewables Last”?
The European Commission’s “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package of legislation puts “Efficiency First.” Generally praised by energy efficiency advocates, this principle evokes fear in the renewable energy sector. Does Efficiency First mean that renewable energy takes the back seat?… View Summary +
October 17, 2017
The Clean Growth Strategy puts faith in energy efficiency – here’s how to do it
The UK government’s new Clean Growth Strategy gives quite a lot of priority to energy efficiency. That’s good news, write Jan Rosenow and Richard Cowart. What’s needed next is to develop the policies that actually deliver the goods. This can be… View Summary +
September 25, 2017
It’s cheaper to save energy than to buy it, despite misleading claims
“Energy efficiency is too expensive, will increase costs to consumers and push people into energy poverty”—this is a claim made by some commentators in Brussels recently. As the Energy Efficiency Directive is being negotiated in the Parliament, Jan Rosenow reveals… View Summary +