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April 27, 2022
How to deploy heat pumps at scale – and fast
The EU’s ‘RePowerEU’ plan aims to accelerate the rollout of heat pumps, including doubling the deployment rate in the next five years. Richard Lowes explains how it can be done. In the past few weeks, European energy policy and… View Summary +

April 14, 2022
From laggard to leader: How Poland became Europe’s fastest-growing heat pump market
With the war in Ukraine compelling everyone to rethink their energy strategies and focus on getting rid of Russian fossil fuel imports, while maintaining what is left from the affordability of energy supply, the go-to tactics are achieving several energy… View Summary +

March 1, 2022
How heat pump sales are starting to take off around the world
Experts see heat pumps as one of the main solutions for tackling the carbon emissions associated with keeping buildings warm, both in the UK and internationally. Yet sales of the technology, often likened to a… View Summary +

February 9, 2022
Europe needs smart charging of all EVs now
A recent pan-European survey found that consumers prefer electric vehicles (EVs) over conventional cars. Last month’s EV sales surpassed those of diesel models in Europe for the first time. Charging the growing number of EVs at our homes, workplaces… View Summary +

October 14, 2021
Getting off the fossil fuel roller coaster
When the global economy picks up steam, so do commodity prices. Gas demand bouncing back to pre-Covid levels started a new upswing in the price cycle. We are seeing classic market dynamics at work: demand outstrips supply and… View Summary +

September 17, 2021
Rebalancing energy levies is a practical way to increase the electrification of heat
Every year households in the UK install about 1.7 million gas boilers. In May, the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council reported that 2021 looks to be a record year for gas boiler sales, with year-to-date sales up 41 per… View Summary +

September 3, 2021
From laggard to leader: How the UK can capitalise on the heat pump opportunity
The urgent tone of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s sixth assessment report, published on the ninth of August this year, shows the clear and stark need for immediate and rapid greenhouse gas emission reductions. Globally, across the EU… View Summary +

July 29, 2021
Lapping the Field: A Model Approach to Managing EV Adoption in Connecticut
- David Littell ,
- Donna Brutkoski
Sales growth of plug-in vehicles well outpaced the auto industry as a whole over the first half of 2021 — just another piece of evidence that utilities and regulators must move quickly and thoughtfully to meet the fast-increasing demand… View Summary +

July 21, 2021
In a Quickly Changing World, Gas Utilities and Regulators Need a Plan
- Megan Anderson
America’s favorite fictional salesman of propane and propane accessories, Hank Hill, may have said it best: “When you plan ahead, then when things happen, you’re prepared.” Changes in the energy sector have big ramifications for the way utilities… View Summary +

June 23, 2021
How the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive risks destroying Europe’s forests
In meeting their 2020 renewable energy targets, EU Member States have overseen large increases in renewable power. But this has been accompanied by a less welcome development: a near doubling in the amount of energy derived from solid biomass, which… View Summary +