Joanna Lewis is Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor of energy and environment and director of the Science, Technology and International Affairs Program (STIA) at Georgetown University's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. She has over two decades of experience working on international climate and clean energy policy with a focus on China. At Georgetown Ms. Lewis runs the Clean Energy and Climate Research Group and leads several dialogues facilitating U.S.- China climate change engagement. Lewis is also a faculty affiliate in the China Energy Group at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Lewis’ new book, Cooperating for the Climate: Learning from International Partnerships in China’s Clean Energy Sector was recently released by MIT Press. She is also the author of the award-winning book Green Innovation in China and was a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report. Lewis has worked for a number of governmental and non-governmental organizations including the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, the Asia Society and the White House Council on Environmental Quality, and has been a visiting scholar at Tsinghua University, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the East-West Center.
Joanna Lewis holds master’s and doctorate degrees in energy and resources from the University of California, Berkeley and a bachelor’s degree in environmental science and policy from Duke University.
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电力现货市场的价格波动有利于提高市场效率和体现新能源的环境效益,但同时也会引发公众和政策制定者对价格波动的担忧。因此,当前中国电力现货市场设置了价格上限和下限,旨在稳定价格,避免剧烈的价格波动。但在实际操作中,过紧的价格管控也可能抑制市场价格调节机制的发挥,不利于清洁能源发展。比如,价格上限过低限制了灵活资源(如储能、需求响应)投资和参与,导致峰时电力供应不足,以致煤电资源冗余,反而增加系统成本;价格下限则阻碍了低价可再生能源的竞争优势体现,模糊了资源调度的优先顺序,并影响需求侧响应的积极性。 文章通过分析部分省级电力现货市场的实践(如山东市场允许负电价、蒙西市场设置较高的价格上限),结合一些海外电力市场实行的灵活管控经验,指出中国电力市场应适当放宽价格限制,允许价格更充分地反映供需关系,以进一步提高市场效率、促进清洁能源消纳、优化资源配置。 然而,放宽价格限制应以完善市场监管为前提。本文建议借鉴国际经验(例如美国FERC的市场力监管机制),结合中国实际情况,加强市场力监测和抑制机制,构建透明、公平、高效的电力市场。在完善监管的前提下,充分释放市场活力,实现价格机制的优化和电力市场的健康、可持续发展。 本文首刊于电联新煤,2025年1月17日… Read More +

Making Europe’s homes ‘Hygge’: Danish lessons on district heating
Denmark is a European frontrunner in heating decarbonisation. The country’s district heating systems serve the majority of… Read More +