Macky McCleary is a former utility, insurance and environmental regulator; a clean energy entrepreneur; and a transformation and organization leader.
Trained as an architect at Yale and a consultant at McKinsey & Co., McCleary is now director of energy, sustainability and infrastructure at Guidehouse. He drives innovation for clients in the converging industry sectors of energy, finance, telecommunications, government, infrastructure and transportation. He has combined expertise in innovation, strategy, operations, branding, consumer and behavioral insights, and business development.
Macky McCleary’s experience in state government includes leadership roles in the Rhode Island Division of Public Utilities and the state’s Department of Business Regulation, and in the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in architecture and design from Yale College and a Master of Architecture from Yale University.
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Elevating the Priority of Decarbonization in Energy Regulators’ Decision Making
The Regulatory Energy Transition Accelerator (RETA,, launched at COP26, is an initiative to build capacity… Read More +
在大规模风电和光伏并网的时代,如何进一步促进可再生能源消纳,解锁统一电力市场的价值,已成为全球性挑战。2024年5月28日,国家能源局发布《关于做好新能源消纳工作 保障新能源高质量发展的通知》(国能发电力〔2024〕44号),其中针对省间输电提出了一项重要改革:“在受端省份电价较低时段,通过采购受端省份新能源电量完成送电计划”。这项要求是多年来对省间电力互济模式的一次重大突破,能够进一步释放“全国统一电力市场”的优势。然而,现行的省间单一电量输电定价机制可能会成为这一新政策实施的限制因素。 本文从理想状态下区域统一电力系统应遵循的基本原则出发,分析了现有跨省跨区专项工程的输电定价机制与《通知》新要求及基本原则之间的潜在矛盾。在此基础上,通过借鉴美国区域输电组织PJM和欧洲跨国输电设施的成本分摊模式,提出了基于绩效调整电网公司跨省跨区收入水平和基于容量分摊跨省跨区输电成本的方法,以更好地配合政策实施并促进电力系统优化和高效运行。 本文分为上、下两期刊登于《南方能源观察》… Read More +