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If the video is not visible, please accept all cookies to enable the player. European policymakers and car manufacturers are increasingly committing to the phaseout of internal combustion engine vehicles. With this shift to electric transport, tariffs and… View Summary +
The transition to zero-emission mobility and a decarbonised energy system are best planned in tandem, and electric vehicles will play a key role in both shifts in the coming years. Automakers are already committing to phasing out internal combustion engine… View Summary +
A recent pan-European survey found that consumers prefer electric vehicles (EVs) over conventional cars. Last month’s EV sales surpassed those of diesel models in Europe for the first time. Charging the growing number of EVs at our homes, workplaces… View Summary +
The electrification of mobility is in full swing. As electric vehicles (EV) become ever more popular, public charging points are spreading – their numbers have doubled in the last two years in the EU. But public charging points alone will… View Summary +
‘How electric vehicles endanger electricity supply’ rang the alarm in a major German newspaper in 2018. The author warned that the local electricity networks would collapse if people returned from work in the evening and all charged their cars… View Summary +
Tijdens de pandemie zijn we veel meer thuis én bestellen we meer online. De bestelbussen in de straat zijn daarom een steeds zichtbaarder onderdeel van de logistieke keten. De meeste CO2-uitstoot en geluidsoverlast van transport komt echter van vrachtwagens. View Summary +