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Greater integration of wholesale energy markets in Europe holds enormous potential to benefit consumers in the region. The European Commission and others estimate that the increase in social welfare of fully integrating Europe’s electricity markets could exceed €40 billion annually… View Summary +
Electricity distribution networks in Europe run at well below their full potential, finds a new study from the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP). The findings show that the unused network capacity could be utilised for charging electric vehicles with little or… View Summary +
The power sector’s shift from large, inflexible generation to smaller, more dispersed variable renewable resources has triggered a debate among some U.S. policymakers about reliability and the continued need for baseload power plants, such as coal and nuclear. Yet numerous… View Summary +
On a recent Tuesday morning, we had a blackout here in Key West. Five Brothers Grocery, the best Cuban coffee shop in town, is just around the corner, and owner Heriberto “Pepe” Paez was out of the café con leche… View Summary +
Rapid technology change means cleaner, lower-cost, and more resilient options for meeting customers’ energy needs are or soon will be available. Customers may soon have cost-effective options to meet their own energy needs through transactive platforms and markets. How can… View Summary +
If the video is not visible, please accept all cookies to enable the player. State and federal utility regulators have traditionally controlled the electric power industry through their decisions. But rapid technology change means cleaner, lower-cost, and more resilient… View Summary +
Declining costs for electric vehicles (EVs) make the prospect of a surge in EVs on the power system seem imminent. Policymakers are understandably excited at the prospect of decarbonising road transport, and the grid services that EV’s can provide. In… View Summary +
Network charges—the fees paid by consumers to cover the costs for power lines and other network assets and services—are steadily increasing across Europe. In one respect, this is not surprising, as these costs are expected to increase as the network… View Summary +
This short fact sheet reviews the significance of network charges, their role in driving inefficient consumption and higher costs, how other industries recoup fixed costs through per-unit pricing, and how tariff design can empower customers and drive Europe’s clean energy… View Summary +
During this informational webinar hosted by the Pembina Institute, RAP’s Michael Hogan explores what capacity markets are, key design principles, and lessons learned from other jurisdictions. View Summary +