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This chapter focuses on the role that demand response resources can play in resolving reliability and congestion problems across the wires networks serving New England at both the regional and local levels. New system planning and investment strategies are needed… View Summary +
This paper discusses how portfolio management can improve quality of electric service while reducing costs without impinging on efforts to build competitive retail markets in those states committed to that goal. View Summary +
This memorandum is intended to begin a discussion on transmission expansion policies in today’s markets by focusing attention on three topics: different interpretations of “need”, effects of different transmission pricing and cost recovery policies on competitive power markets, and transmission… View Summary +
This paper focuses on the role of demand-side resources in providing network services (reliability and system benefits to the grid and its interconnected users) rather than purely economic gains to participating end-users. View Summary +
Customer-controlled resources can play a crucial role in creating efficient regional power markets, lowering price volatility and generator market power, disciplining power costs, and improving reliability. View Summary +
The purpose of this paper is to describe implementation options for two concepts: deaveraged distribution credits and distributed resource development zones, as first described in Profits and Progress Though Distributed Resources (NARUC,February 2000). View Summary +
Topics covered in this paper include power system reliability benefits from distributed energy resources, customer-owned generation, customer supplied ancillary services, and improved pricing signals in wholesale and retailmarkets. View Summary +
This report explores the role that cost-effective energy efficiency and load management resources can play in restoring the demand-supply balance in electricity. View Summary +
Este relatório apresenta as conclusões de um conjunto de nove trabalhos elaborados pelo Projeto de Inovação de Tecnologia Energética (ETIP) patrocinado pela Agência Americana para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID). Os trabalhos apresentam uma proposta para os gastos com eficiência energética… View Summary +
This report looks at the relationship between the use of distributed resources and utility profits, and describes the market environment where cost-effective distributedresources can compete with central station generation. View Summary +