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February 28, 2022
Environmental Regulations and the “No Regrets” Approach: A Refresher for Utility Generators
- John Shenot ,
- David Farnsworth
Many of us have a hard time keeping track of where our federal government stands on environmental issues, especially when viewed through a political lens or from the perspective of the popular press. For example, in 2016 we signed… View Summary +

February 5, 2020
For MADRI, the End of an Era … and the Beginning of Another
- John Shenot
Over the past 15 years, a group of power sector professionals have followed — and fostered — developments in an era of enormous change for the sector. In December, the group met in Washington DC for the 54th and final… View Summary +

October 16, 2019
“电力期刊”(The Electricity Journal)睿博能源智库特刊简介
- John Shenot
美国是全世界温室气体排放第二大国,同时也是技术和经济实力的领头羊。美国有能力引领世界寻找应对气候变化紧迫挑战的解决方案,同时迅速彻底地完成自我脱碳。 为了使能源消费向更清洁、更具成本效益的方向转变,我们需要零碳发电技术,并在使用化石燃料的终端用户侧实现大规模电气化。零碳发电技术已经实现商业化普及应用,而且成本越来越低。另外,包括储能在内的技术方案,可以增加电网灵活性,也将更便宜和更具可用性。 简言之,技术不再是脱碳经济面临的挑战。… View Summary +

September 18, 2019
Clean, Flexible and Efficient: A Recipe for Energy Optimization
- John Shenot
The United States is the second-highest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet — but we are also a leader in technological and economic strength. We have the capability to lead the world in finding solutions to the urgent challenge… View Summary +

November 21, 2017
How Do You Know If “The Price Is Right” for Community Solar Programs?
- John Shenot
In television’s longest running game show, contestants are challenged to guess the prices of a wide variety of consumer goods. The contestant who comes closest to the actual price, without going over, is the winner. I found myself thinking about… View Summary +

September 13, 2017
For Climate Progress, Solutions Sprout from Cities, States
- Christopher James
At this past summer’s meeting of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), I served on a panel of experts discussing what might happen to America’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the wake of the Trump administration’s… View Summary +

March 7, 2017
Preparing for Emergencies with Wind, Solar, Energy Storage, and Microgrids
- John Shenot
Resilience is a character trait that is universally admired and respected in people. In recent years, it has also gained attention as a new imperative for infrastructure planning and development. In the wake of Superstorm Sandy and other recent natural… View Summary +

June 20, 2016
Lighting the Path to a Brighter Future
- John Shenot
With so many attention-grabbing headlines coming from sunny places like Nevada, Arizona, California, and Hawaii, one could easily be led to think that’s where all of the solar… View Summary +
April 14, 2016
It’s Aready Happening: New EIA Numbers Show a Utility Sector in Transformation
- John Shenot
My colleague David Littell recently wrote about the inexorable shift of the US power sector toward cleaner sources of electric energy, noting that the cost of renewables has been dropping, energy efficiency continues to grow, and storage… View Summary +

October 1, 2015
Skate Where the Puck Is Going to Be
- John Shenot
Hall of Famer Wayne Gretzky once said, “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” Strangely enough, when I think about what lies ahead for electric… View Summary +