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December 19, 2020
Time for energy efficiency to be valued as a grid resource
- Samuel Thomas ,
- Filippos Anagnostopoulos
What if you, as an electricity consumer, could get compensated fairly for the energy you did not consume? In the U.S., participants in pay-for-performance schemes are being paid incentives to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings. View Summary +
![Hand aiming thermal imaging camera at windows to test energy efficiency|Hand aiming thermal imaging camera at windows to test energy efficiency](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/shutterstock-thermal-imaging-efficiency-featured-image-680x420.jpg)
December 17, 2020
It is time to bring consumers on board the energy transition
Power systems are in the midst of profound transformation. More nations are striving to decarbonise their electricity grids and to electrify sectors previously powered primarily by fossil fuels such as heating and transport. To help weather this sea change, policymakers… View Summary +
![It is time to bring consumers on board the energy transition|Graphic showing how electricity demand can be modified for given events](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/zsuzsanna-pato-680x420.jpg)
December 16, 2020
Green urban freight: How to electrify our deliveries today
Every year, freight companies deliver four billion parcels containing online orders across the EU. With the ongoing pandemic, experts predict the market for express delivery will grow by more than $10 billion (€8.3 billion) by… View Summary +
![Aerial view of delivery trucks at a warehouse|Graphic showing the load curve of trucks loading at depot and best times for charging|Aerial view of trucks at a warehouse](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/fleet-electrification-featured-680x420.jpeg)
December 16, 2020
Energy efficiency: Secret ingredient that can make Turkey’s energy transition a success
- Değer Saygin ,
- Jan Rosenow
At a recent pan-European energy efficiency conference in Paris, representatives of a large energy service company shared the well-kept secret of how they source energy-efficient heating technology to install in Europe: They get it from Turkey. Even though Turkey may… View Summary +
![photo of power lines in turkey with hasan dagi volcano in background|photo of power lines in turkey with hasan dagi volcano in background](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/hasan-dag-featured-image-680x420.jpeg)
December 15, 2020
- Fredrich (Fritz) Kahrl ,
- Wang Xuan ,
- Max Dupuy
正如世界上其他国家一样,中国电力行业要走向零碳发展的未来,需要有灵活性资源的支持。储能,特别是电化学储能,由于近年来成本大幅度降低,以及其多重应用价值,前景越来越光明。并网储能能够成本有效地发挥帮助可再生能源并网、提高剩余火电厂运行效率、提供调峰调频等辅助服务、管理电网阻塞、替代输配电设施、抑制价格波动等作用。根据CNESA储能项目库的统计,到2019年底,中国已投运储能项目累计装机32.3 GW, 其中抽水蓄能约30GW,电化学储能约1.6 GW。最近的一些… View Summary +
December 12, 2020
Offshore wind should be seen as a joint European resource
Offshore wind is a special resource. The fact that there is little legacy infrastructure, coupled with the impressive European ambition of expanding the current capacity of 12 GW to 300 GW by 2050, raises an important question: How can we… View Summary +
![Wind turbines in the water off the coast of a European country|Wind turbines in the water off the coast of a European country](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/offshore-wind-europe-resource-featured-680x420.jpeg)
November 12, 2020
Choose Your Own Road Trip: A Toolkit for Transportation Electrification
Electrification of the transportation sector provides an opportunity for states to save citizens money on fuel, improve the local economy, address national security concerns, improve public health and combat climate change. Some of these attributes have more urgency than ever,… View Summary +
November 10, 2020
Why India should keep coal out of its infrastructure story
- Rasika Athawale
As India looks to “build back better” from the Covid crisis, the country would benefit economically, environmentally and socially by investing in clean technologies. In late 2019, the Indian government announced a $1.4trn National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) to jump-start… View Summary +
![Thermal plant in India|Despite a decline in development](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/india-coal-plant-featured-680x420.jpg)
November 5, 2020
- Fredrich (Fritz) Kahrl ,
- Wang Xuan ,
- Max Dupuy
随着中国政府提出的低碳、零碳观念的深入,电力行业首当其冲需要加速扩大清洁电力的渗透率。在各地区探索电力市场设计,逐步完善电力交易规则的新形势下,如何让以光伏发电,风能发电为代表的可再生能源以及新兴的储能资源参与市场是业界关心的话题。 我们前几篇政策短文就电力区域市场建设,区域市场之间的协调进行了讨论,在这一篇和下一篇短文中,我们会基于国际经验分别介绍可再生能源和储能参与电力市场的途径和步骤。 光伏发电和风能发电参与电力市场的三种模式 在之前的文章中,我们提出区域RTO是提供低成本灵活性的良好途径,从而更好地应对波动性可再生能源出力的不确定性。可再生能源在不同时间尺度更好地参与电力市场有利于电力系统稳定高效运行,支持低成本零碳转型。在美国RTO/ISO地区,可再生能源在过去的十多年一直积极参与电力市场,为形成风能和太阳能发电的“参与模式”积累了宝贵的经验。美国可再生能源主要参与三类市场竞争:远期市场(中长期市场)、电能量市场、辅助服务市场。 一、远期市场(中长期市场)… View Summary +
![wind power||wind power](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/pexels-kervin-edward-lara-3976320-scaled-1-680x420.jpg)
October 26, 2020
Revisiting the Public Good, Part 2: What Do We Mean by “Good”?
Simple terms can provide a useful framework and help us understand complex things. Raising children, for example, is a highly involved, lengthy and expensive undertaking, but can be reduced to a couple of words: You want your kids to grow… View Summary +
![Part 2: What Do We Mean by “Good”?](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/publicgood-2-featured-680x420.jpg)