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Policymakers across the globe are searching for solutions to reduce the use of fossil fuels and their associated climate impacts. Attention has focused on the heating sector, which relies heavily on fossil fuels and was responsible for almost 40% of… View Summary +
States are increasingly confronting the reality that burning fossil fuels for heat creates cost burdens for their residents, particularly for low-income households and struggling small businesses, while harming health and the environment. Importing those fuels imposes a drain on the… View Summary +
Europe is heavily reliant on fossil fuels in the heating sector. The EU has set itself a goal of deploying 30 million additional heat pumps by 2030. To advance the transition away from fossil fuels in the heating sector,… View Summary +
About this Report: Europe’s stated goal of achieving a net-zero power system by 2050 is inherently replete with enormous opportunities and challenges. High energy prices and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have now ratcheted up the urgent need for action to… View Summary +
The burning of fossil fuels for heat accounts for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions and burdens many families and businesses with high energy costs. Meeting climate and equity goals requires that we find effective and affordable pathways to… View Summary +
In a webinar discussion, panelists discussed efforts across the country to put in place clean heat standards or other mandates for reduction of emissions from thermal end uses. View Summary +
If the video is not visible, please accept all cookies to enable the player. The term “transition” implies moving away from one thing and toward something else. The energy transition in the United States has challenged utility regulators to… View Summary +
Vermont’s Global Warming Solutions Act requires that greenhouse gas emissions from thermal end uses (heating and hot water) be reduced by at least 15% below 2018 levels by 2025 and then by 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050. This… View Summary +
Greater integration among regional power grids would lower electric sector emissions and power costs across eastern Canada and the northeastern United States, but coordination today is limited. A new report by an international team, led by RAP in collaboration… View Summary +
理解碳市场和电力市场之间的相互作用以及它们之间的相互影响——是两者良好设计的关键。国际经验表明,以孤立的政策设计电力市场和碳市场不会带来最佳结果。协同设计这些方案有助于市场尽可能经济有效,并确保碳排放计划以尽可能低的成本为终端用户和整个电力部门实现目标。 碳价格可以通过以下方式减少电力部门的排放量:(1)改变电力部门的调度(即系统运行);(2)影响有关发电厂和其他部门资源的投资(和撤资)决策;(3)改变能源需求。本文研究了这些相互作用,并提出电力市场如何适应以最大限度地提高碳价格的有效性。作者为中国的决策者,特别是设计碳市场的决策者提供了建议和意见。主要的发现可以总结为: 经济(或优先)调度极大地增强了碳市场的有效性,在这种调度中,发电厂的运行决策是基于其相对运行成本。实现经济调度的方法之一是实施设计良好的电力市场。 确保电力市场设计的其他要素正确,使碳市场既有效又具备经济性。这些元素包括发电补偿,市场监测和监管,减缓碳价对电力消费者的影响。 碳价格的影响可以通过碳收入的使用方式大大增强。将碳收入用于低碳资产(特别是终端能效和可再生能源)的投资,可以使碳价格本身的作用增加好几倍。 即使在已经建立了复杂的电力市场和碳市场的国家,电力部门规划仍然是能源和环境政策的关键组成部分。规划必须与碳市场设计和电力市场设计相结合。 在零售电价中反映电力生产的真实潜在成本(包括碳成本)将有助于碳市场减少排放。 本文于6月19日(上),20日(下)刊登于《南方能源观察》。 This paper is also available in English. View Summary +