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Understanding the interactions between carbon markets and electricity markets — the impacts of each on the other — is key to good design of both. International experience shows that designing power markets and carbon markets in isolated policy “silos” does… View Summary +
With its pending Green Deal, the European Commission is striving to make Europe the first climate-neutral region by 2050. A lot is at stake with this goal. The transition to clean energy can help mitigate climate change and bring extensive… View Summary +

It all started in Krakow, Poland. The medieval city is known for its beauty, but also for poor air quality from coal heating. In 2012, a group of local residents joined together and founded the organisation Krakow… View Summary +

We have in Europe today a huge new opportunity to clean up our energy system, advance social justice and address catastrophic climate change. In this fact sheet, we illuminate the path to achieving these goals — carbon revenue recycling. In… View Summary +

In the 2018 legislative session, the Vermont Legislature called for a study to examine the possible methods, costs, and benefits of using carbon pricing to address the problem of carbon pollution in the state. RAP was then asked to assess… View Summary +
There is an increasing interest in the role so-called market-based instruments (MBIs) can play to deliver energy efficiency across the world. Their rising popularity among policymakers owes, in part, to their characteristics. They tend to be less prescriptive than traditional… View Summary +
Europe is racing to meet ambitious 2030 and 2050 climate goals but is still stumbling over one of the foundation stones of a cost-effective clean energy transition—investments in end-use energy efficiency. While this month’s “yellow vest” protests in France are… View Summary +

In the lively debate around carbon pricing and emission reductions, one crucial aspect is consistently missing. Much of the debate focuses on the carbon price alone. However, carbon revenues are at least as important as carbon prices if Europe’s goal is to accelerate emission reductions… View Summary +
“If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail,” goes the saying. In the context of climate policy, the leading hammer is carbon pricing. To many economists and carbon market enthusiasts, putting a price on carbon… View Summary +

Small, coal-fired district heating systems are a major source of air pollution in Poland. Applying EU regulations would go some way toward solving this problem, write Edith Bayer and Richard Cowart of global energy policy advisors Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP),… View Summary +