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September 17, 2018
Electricity Reforms in India Depend on Getting the Politics Right
- Navroz Dubash ,
- Sunila Kale ,
- Ranjit Bharvirkar
The Indian economy is among the fastest-growing in the world. Sustaining this growth requires a healthy electricity sector that is able to meet increased demands, ideally alongside an eye to environmental sustainability. Yet electricity consumers continue to face unreliable supply,… View Summary +
September 7, 2018
Replacing copper with negawatts—how RIIO-2 could revolutionise network regulation
Ofgem’s recent framework decision on improving its performance-based regulation scheme, RIIO, indicates that it may be ready to take a much-needed step toward levelling the playing field between supply-side and customer-side resources. However, it is not yet clear what the… View Summary +
August 8, 2018
Energy efficiency could cut UK home energy use in half
“We have done all the easy stuff on energy efficiency,” Dr. Jan Rosenow was told during a 2016 workshop organised by the National Infrastructure Commission on the future of heat in the United Kingdom. Some participants felt that energy efficiency… View Summary +
July 18, 2018
Elektromobilität – ein Mehrwert für die Stromnetze
Die Stromverteilnetze in Europa arbeiten weit unter ihrem vollen Potenzial. Das Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen kann deshalb weitestgehend ohne zusätzlichen Netzausbau erfolgen, hat das Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) in einer Kurzanalyse festgestellt. „Intelligente Preisgestaltung und smarte Technologien sind die Schlüssel dafür“,… View Summary +
April 20, 2018
Without ambitious energy efficiency goals, the EU will fail Paris targets
- Jan Rosenow ,
- Stefan Scheuer
The Paris Climate Agreement’s entry into force has clearly not yet spurred policymakers to charge toward the goal of limiting climate change to “well below 2°C” and targeting 1.5°C, warn Dr. Jan Rosenow and Stefan Scheuer. Energy efficiency remains the… View Summary +
April 16, 2018
Keys to integrating electric vehicles already in hand
- Christos Kolokathis ,
- Michael Hogan
Electricity distribution networks in Europe run at well below their full potential, finds a new study from the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP). The findings show that the unused network capacity could be utilised for charging electric vehicles with little or… View Summary +
March 23, 2018
Small district heating systems key to improving Poland’s air quality
- Edith Bayer ,
- Richard Cowart
Small, coal-fired district heating systems are a major source of air pollution in Poland. Applying EU regulations would go some way toward solving this problem, write Edith Bayer and Richard Cowart of global energy policy advisors Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP),… View Summary +
March 7, 2018
Deutschland muss endlich den europäischen Strommarkt unterstützen
- Philip Baker ,
- Andreas Jahn
Der EU-Energiebinnenmarkt würde enorme Werte schaffen. Verbraucher könnten von Milliardeneinsparungen profitieren, Jahr für Jahr. Doch die Nationalstaaten blockieren. Insbesondere Deutschland muss endlich seiner Verantwortung als zentrales Bindeglied im europäischen Stromnetz nachkommen, fordern Philip Baker und Andreas Jahn vom Regulatory Assistance… View Summary +
February 14, 2018
A step backward – European Member States threaten to reverse progress on Single Electricity Market
- Philip Baker ,
- Christos Kolokathis
The European Council’s proposals on the internal energy market fundamentally weaken the framework that is needed to deliver an integrated market that will benefit European energy consumers, write Philip Baker and Christos Kolokathis from the global energy policy advisors Regulatory… View Summary +
January 19, 2018
Time for German network operators to come clean about tariffs
Network tariffs are an important part of energy costs for consumers, yet, surprisingly, the way these fees are established in Germany is completely opaque, writes Andreas Jahn, Berlin-based senior associate at global energy policy advisors Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP). According… View Summary +