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August 21, 2018
We All Wish We Were More Flexible: Electrification Load as a Grid Flexibility Resource
Imagine you are preparing dinner for guests arriving at 6 p.m. when you learn that they’ve been delayed. And imagine that, instead of keeping the food hot, you had to throw all of it away and start cooking again for… View Summary +
October 8, 2018
Timing Is Everything: How Smart Rate Design Helps Make Electrification Beneficial
In talking about beneficial electrification, we have emphasized the benefits of various kinds of flexibility. For example, loads that can be scheduled at different times of day without too much inconvenience to the user can be beneficial, because they can… View Summary +
March 14, 2019
Renovating Energy Policy to Encourage Beneficial Electrification
- Jessica Shipley ,
- Donna Brutkoski
RAP’s recent papers on the beneficial electrification of space heating and water heating draw a picture of great potential. Electrification of these fossil-fueled end uses could cut carbon emissions significantly while saving consumers money and providing power system operators with… View Summary +
September 18, 2019
Clean, Flexible and Efficient: A Recipe for Energy Optimization
- John Shenot
The United States is the second-highest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet — but we are also a leader in technological and economic strength. We have the capability to lead the world in finding solutions to the urgent challenge… View Summary +
August 17, 2020
With the Shift Toward Electrification, Decoupling Remains Key for Driving Decarbonization
- Rachel Gold ,
- Jessica Shipley
States across the United States are increasingly prioritizing electrification of transportation and buildings to meet their decarbonization goals. Utilities are an important driver of this investment, so it’s critical that their business incentives be aligned with the public policy goals… View Summary +
November 3, 2016
Retooling Regulation: a Closer Look at Integrating Energy and Environmental Policy
- Christopher James ,
- Ken Colburn
Part one of this series described why it is increasingly necessary to integrate energy and environmental planning and introduced one way to do so, the E-Merge approach. Improvements in public health science, detection technologies, and modeling over the last… View Summary +
December 22, 2017
Reflections on 2017: Key Trends Shaping the Power Sector
- Jessica Shipley
Reflection comes naturally during the holiday season. As I come to the end of my first year at RAP, I am reflecting on many interesting power sector developments from 2017. I will focus on a handful here—trends that stood out… View Summary +
October 13, 2021
Participating in Power: A Practical Guide to Utility Resource Plans for Local Governments
- David Farnsworth ,
- Jake Duncan
To meet 21st century decarbonization and social equity priorities, utilities need to transform the way they plan power sector investments. One of the most important opportunities to encourage these changes is to become an effective participant in the development of… View Summary +
February 1, 2017
Beneficial Electrification: A Growth Opportunity
- Ken Colburn
In the first blog post in this series, we observed that rapid power sector transformation presents challenges but also opportunities for utilities. As older, inflexible resources are retired, cleaner, more distributed resources are being deployed by companies and customers… View Summary +
June 1, 2017
Big Thinking from a Small State
Once in a while, it can be interesting to take a deep look at what one state is doing in the power sector reform arena. New York, California, and others get a lot of attention. But the small state of… View Summary +