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April 12, 2023
Flex and the city: Cities need dynamic pricing for public charging
City dwellers without their own parking space, small business owners such as taxi drivers and a growing number of car-sharing users rely on the public charging network to access electric driving. The affordability of electric vehicles (EVs), compared to the… View Summary +
April 5, 2023
Tackling the Job of Building Modernization: A Toolkit for State Decision-Makers
- Camille Kadoch ,
- Donna Brutkoski ,
- Jessica Shipley
Energy efficiency and electrification are the dynamic duo of a modern building. Technology advances in both these areas mean that we have the ability to improve the comfort and health of a building’s residents, save them money, reduce air… View Summary +
March 21, 2023
How the energy crisis is boosting heat pumps in Europe
Heat pumps are widely seen as the most important technology when it comes to decarbonising heating. Organisations including the International Energy Agency and McKinsey see heat pumps providing most of our heating… View Summary +
March 17, 2023
Let’s make clean heating a reality for low-income households
The cost of heating leaves many European households feeling burnt. Three-quarters of our heat is still supplied by expensive fossil fuels, and heating homes is Europe’s biggest gas user, which creates a twin dilemma: How do we clean up heat,… View Summary +
March 15, 2023
Building for the future: How can cities prepare for transportation electrification?
- Julia Hildermeier ,
- Marion Pignel ,
- Thomas Lymes
For cities, the fast growth of electric vehicles (EVs) is a challenge and an opportunity. In the process of becoming cleaner and smarter, cities face a two-fold challenge: First, they are promoting a shift towards more sustainable modes of transport… View Summary +
February 23, 2023
How to solve the UK’s heat pump problem
With fossil fuel prices skyrocketing, emissions from homes in the UK stubbornly high and the price of clean electricity from renewables tumbling, it’s clear that we are not taking the right approach to heating our buildings. Heating, which is dominated… View Summary +
February 9, 2023
How to prepare our grids for electric trucks
In mid-February, the EU Commission is due to publish a law proposal essential to the energy transition, the next CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs). The proposal is expected to accelerate the emissions reduction of… View Summary +
February 9, 2023
- Pengfei Xie
热泵作为节能、高效的可再生能源利用技术设备,正逐渐为决策者和民众所认知。在“双碳”目标及能源危机的背景下,热泵的作用进一步凸显。但要激发其巨大的市场潜力,仍需更多配套政策支持。 2022年9月,睿博能源智库(RAP)专家与合作伙伴在《自然》杂志能源子刊发表“全球热泵市场升温”(“Heating up… View Summary +
February 7, 2023
‘Hydrogen-ready’ boilers – a lifeline for fossil fuel heating in Europe
The heating industry is in turmoil. The need to decarbonise energy demand as well as the gas crisis caused by the war in Ukraine have led to governments around Europe setting phase-out dates for the installation of fossil fuel heating… View Summary +
November 29, 2022
Hybrid Heat: the Cool Path to Home Heating
The opportunity: If the over 50 million US homes that have central air conditioning and a separate heating system just replaced their AC with a look-alike and more efficient “two-way” heat pump unit, those households could not only cool over… View Summary +