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Najważniejsze informacje: Zarówno europejski jak i polski sektor elektroenergetyczny znajduje się w punkcie zwrotnym. Systemy elektroenergetyczne przechodzą transformację podyktowaną zobowiązaniami do dalszej redukcji emisji, rosnącym udziałem źródeł odnawialnych (OZE), a także koniecznością zapewnienia niezawodnych dostaw energii po akceptowalnej cenie. Opracowany… View Summary +
Both the European power sector at large and the Polish power sector in particular are at a pivotal moment. Power systems are in transition, driven by commitments to continuing emissions reductions, growing penetration of renewables, and the need to provide… View Summary +
Energy efficiency, particularly in buildings, should be a front-running strategy to address European energy security. Buildings account for about 40 percent of energy use and more than a third of natural gas use in Europe. Energy efficiency can be viewed… View Summary +
Capacity mechanisms have recently gained the attention of policymakers in Europe. The discussion in Member States is driven by various concerns, including resource adequacy constraints, the often-misunderstood “missing money” issues raised by utilities, and attempts to limit peak demand. In… View Summary +
The Energy Union Communication expected in February 2015 provides the opportunity to bring together the leading dimensions of European energy policy to drive the transition to an integrated, secure, competitive, and sustainable energy sector. To meet these goals, it is… View Summary +
This study reveals once again the crucial role that energy efficiency programmes must play in order to maximize the effectiveness of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to meet Europe’s energy, economic, and environmental goals. The ETS is an important… View Summary +
Delivering investment for a reliable power supply to consumers at a reasonable cost has always been a central objective of power market design, and various approaches to this challenge have been adopted in Europe and elsewhere. Where a competitive wholesale… View Summary +