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As countries around the world make progress towards decarbonisation, more sectors are shifting to cleaner, renewable resources. The grids, crucial infrastructure for decarbonising the power sector and the overall economy, are increasingly struggling as capacity grows scarce in some regions. View Summary +

The Regulatory Energy Transition Accelerator (RETA, https://retatheaccelerator.org/), launched at COP26, is an initiative to build capacity for energy regulators as they work to advance toward a clean energy transition. Serving as a resource hub for regulators, RETA’s flagship project,… View Summary +

在大规模风电和光伏并网的时代,如何进一步促进可再生能源消纳,解锁统一电力市场的价值,已成为全球性挑战。2024年5月28日,国家能源局发布《关于做好新能源消纳工作… View Summary +

随着电力体制改革的深入和电力市场化的推进,中长期市场和现货市场发展迅速。长期以来,电力中长期合同被视作保供稳价的“压舱石”,随着改革的不断深入,中长期市场中存在的两个关键问题逐渐暴露出来,即不合理的上网电价机制以及对电力调度产生的深层次影响,进而延缓了新能源入市进程。针对这些问题,我们对现状进行了梳理并总结了一些国际经验,对完善燃煤发电上网电价和通过中长期市场支持系统灵活性等方面提出了五点思路。… View Summary +

In an interactive webinar, Camille Kadoch of RAP and Amy Wagner of Evolved Energy Research presented the findings of a new report showing how enhanced demand flexibility from vehicle charging can unlock a significant amount of value to the power… View Summary +
Part of RAP and ICCT’s Benefits of EVs Through Smart Charging Global Project With economic forces and policy efforts encouraging transportation electrification, it is critical that electric vehicle (EV) demand on the power grid be carefully integrated to avoid unnecessarily… View Summary +

Increasing the availability of renewable energy is key to reducing harmful carbon pollution. But before building a large-scale solar or wind project, developers may need approvals from multiple levels of government. These reviews may consider project aesthetics, economics, land use… View Summary +

Shifting gear to tackle power grid scarcity Power grids are fundamental to the energy transition. Due to their limited capacity, however, they are also proving to be a key barrier. Grid shortages are increasingly the new normal worldwide. Improving the use… View Summary +

In a webinar panel discussion, presenters discussed the fundamentals of designing an effective 24/7 carbon-free electricity transition tariff: Integrate transition tariff investments with ongoing utility planning. Ensure accurate hourly emissions tracking and verification. Design transition tariffs to accelerate complementary investments. View Summary +
Im Jahr 2023 hat die Bundesnetzagentur in Folge europarechtlicher Anforderungen vom Gesetzgeber die Festlegungskompetenz für die Anreizregulierung zugewiesen bekommen – mittels derer die Regulierungsbehörden auf Basis umfassender Kostenvergleiche und Effizienzanforderungen Erlösobergrenzen für die Strom- und Gasnetzbetreiber festlegen. Nach einer… View Summary +

Stellungnahme zum Eckpunktepapier der Bundesnetzagentur Die gestiegenen Kosten des Stromnetzausbaus machen sich zunehmend in den Netzentgelten bemerkbar, die Bestandteil jeder Stromrechnung sind. Auswertungen zeigen, dass die verdichteten, städtischen Netzregionen günstiger sind als die ländlichen Netze. Aufgrund der Korrelation der Netzkosten… View Summary +
The Netherlands government has laid out ambitious plans to be climate neutral by 2050 and has engaged in multi-pronged efforts to meet this goal. It has successfully promoted the generation of renewable energy through the installation of utility-scale and household-level… View Summary +

国家发展改革委、国家能源局联合印发《关于建立煤电容量电价机制的通知》,决定自2024年1月1日起建立煤电容量电价机制,对煤电实行两部制电价政策。各个省已经制定了具体的细则实施容量电价,以期望减少煤电亏损,激励煤电支持保供,增加煤电灵活性改造。然而,除非这些容量补偿机制设计精准得当,否则可能导致不必要的风险,包括容量过剩、不合理的资源组合、过高的成本和排放,以及阻碍系统灵活性和减缓电力行业转型。… View Summary +

A power purchase agreement (PPA) is a contract used by a purchasing entity to procure electricity from a project developer. This contract specifies the volume and price of the energy purchased and the duration of the agreement. “Renewables PPAs” specifically… View Summary +

2023年11月15日国家能源局综合司发布了《电力市场信息披露基本规则(征求意见稿)》。“统一全国电力市场信息披露机制,加强和规范信息披露工作”有助于深化电力体制改革、加快建设全国统一大市场。… View Summary +