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July 20, 2016
We Need a Lorry-Load of Energy Savings; in the new ECO, the Government Delivers a Hatchback
The United Kingdom was once a world leader in energy savings. We proved that investing in buildings, insulating lofts, and switching to efficient boilers, motors, and lighting created jobs, saved money, and lowered the environmental costs of energy systems. But… View Summary +
April 28, 2016
Energy Efficiency in the UK: Time to Get Out of Reverse Gear
In recent years across the UK, citizens, government, and the business community have all demonstrated a willingness to lead the world in the fight against climate change. So the mystery today is: Why is the UK walking away from energy… View Summary +
April 25, 2016
If Europe Wants Integrated Markets, it Should Take the Leap to Regional Grids
- Philip Baker
Europe is progressing towards an integrated, interconnected pan-European electricity market. However, the governance and regulatory arrangements that the EU has established to support this process are inadequate to the task. They are more focused on preserving the sovereignty of national… View Summary +
March 18, 2016
Capacity, Competition, and Consumers Top RAP’s List of Missing Market Priorities
The European Commission’s Market Design Initiative (MDI) rightly identifies investment and security of supply, demand-side participation in markets, and market governance as three central pillars of a successful market reform. In framing the initiative’s priorities, however, the Commission has neglected… View Summary +
January 21, 2016
Polski system elektroenergetyczny a dyskusja o nowej organizacji rynku energii elektrycznej w Unii Europejskiej
- Jan Rączka
Europejski system energetyczny znajduje się w fazie transformacji, której źródłami są postęp technologiczny, zmieniające się modele biznesowe i dążenie do zmniejszenia emisji CO2. Komisja Europejska postawiła ambitne cele na rok 2030, a kraje członkowskie wspierają ich realizację. Osiągnięcie 40% poziomu… View Summary +
January 11, 2016
Nie uciekniemy od inteligentnych sieci
- Jan Rączka
Budowa inteligentnych sieci i zarządzane popytem powinny być priorytetami. Z jednej strony zmusi nas do tego polityka Komisji Europejskiej, z drugiej – mogą one sprawić, że mało elastyczny polski system energetyczny będzie bardziej efektywny. W latach 2008-13 inteligentne sieci energetyczne… View Summary +
December 16, 2015
Power Sector Modernisation and Market Design in Poland
The Polish power sector is at a pivotal moment. It faces a number of challenges stemming from the profile of its power system, rising demand for power during summer peaks, and increasing penetration of renewable resources on the system. Its… View Summary +
December 11, 2015
Efficiency First for Germany’s Energiewende
Germany’s “Energiewende” (Energy Transition) represents a national commitment to meet aggressive economy-wide decarbonisation targets and to transform the German power sector from a reliance on nuclear and coal to renewable resources within the next four decades. Germany is unique in… View Summary +
June 18, 2015
Brussels, Don’t Leave Customer Participation in the Electricity Market to the Incumbents!
- Philip Baker
Allowing customers to participate directly in electricity markets is crucial both to making those markets more efficient and to reducing the costs of integrating renewable energies. The Commission’s Energy Union Market Design Initiative currently under development represents a unique opportunity… View Summary +
February 8, 2012
Beyond Capacity Markets: Delivering Capability Resources to Europe’s Decarbonising Power System
Delivering a reliable power supply to consumers has always been a central objective of power market design and various solutions to this challenge have been adopted in Europe and elsewhere. In the context of wholesale power markets, these solutions have… View Summary +