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We believe that sharing our expertise and collaborations in clean energy policy is how real, effective change happens.
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When energy regulators plan, approve utility investments, and make other regulatory decisions without incorporating environmental considerations, ultimately more costly supply options or solutions can be chosen, opportunities for less costly options can be passed by, and money, time, and resources… View Summary +
The D.C. Circuit’s Homer City decision doesn’t eliminate the uncertainty about environmental regulations that has vexed public utility commissions, the utilities they regulate, and the investment community for more than a decade. At a minimum, it extends that uncertainty farther… View Summary +
RAP’s report for Western Governors’ Association, “Renewable Resources and Transmission in the West: Interviews on the Western Renewable Energy Zones Initiative,” details interviews with utilities, public utility commissions and provincial energy ministries on potential collaboration to develop WREZ resources of… View Summary +
John Shenot, Ken Colburn and Chris James presented a webinar on October 25, 2011 for air quality regulators from eastern states on “Engaging with Your Public Utility Commission.” The webinar was convened through the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use… View Summary +