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We believe that sharing our expertise and collaborations in clean energy policy is how real, effective change happens.
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India is on an ambitious path India has embarked on aggressive plans to reform its electricity sector in keeping with its nationally determined contributions (NDC) submitted to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and with its current and… View Summary +
Accurately forecasting electricity demand in India is imperative for governments, utilities and industries when it comes to investment and planning decisions. Over the years, forecasting has becoming even more challenging as planners must take into account changes in technology, load… View Summary +
The electric distribution sector in India is struggling financially. This is not a new problem, and its primary causes are well understood. The distribution utilities (discoms) have long faced challenges in revenue collection and shortfalls stemming from important cross-subsidies of… View Summary +
Rural populations in India continually face great challenges when it comes to earning and maintaining a sustainable living. With up to 70% of rural Indians working in the agricultural sector, those challenges will only become more substantial as climate change… View Summary +