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这篇文章是睿博能源智库关于强制性节能政策(EEO)综合报告中对最佳实践的总结。世界各国政府一直努力通过设计和实施一些强制性节能政策提高终端能源利用效率,并实现其他相关的目标。这些机制要求能源供应商例如电力和燃气公司通过帮助用户实施终端节能措施来实现量化节能目标。全文报告分析了世界各地所采用的19种EEO政策机制。其中包括对中国2011年1月开始施行的电力需求侧管理办法的详细描述。全文报告用一张表格汇总并对这19种EEO政策的主要设计参数进行了对比。采纳这些最佳实践能够增强EEO政策的有效性,以最佳的成本效益提高能源效率。全文报告的英文版下载链接:… View Summary +
This best practices guide provides a “cookbook” summary of the most effective policies to promote energy efficiency. Governments ranging from local to national can adopt these policies to foster the use of products and services which require less energy input… View Summary +
This document is a summary that presents the best practices identified in a comprehensive RAP report on energy efficiency obligations (EEOs). Governments in various jurisdictions around the world have endeavored to improve end-use energy efficiency, and in some cases also… View Summary +
An energy efficiency obligation (EEO) is a regulatory mechanism that requires obligated parties to meet quantitative energy saving targets by delivering or procuring eligible energy savings produced by implementing approved end-use energy efficiency measures. Governments in various jurisdictions around the… View Summary +