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我们很高兴有机会就最近发布的中国可再生能源配额政策的“第二次征求意见稿”发表建议。基于对该草案的理解,以及我们在RPS和配额政策方面的长期国际经验,并对中国可再生能源政策设计和电力市场改革的持续参与。我们提出一些初步看法,与前一版草案的意见保持一致,此外还给出了一些新的建议。… View Summary +
In joint comments on the recently released “Second Consultation Draft” of a renewable energy quota policy in China, RAP joins the Energy Foundation China and Center for Resource Solutions to suggest areas for increased emphasis, clarification, and policy improvements. Our views… View Summary +
This presentation is about the role that increased natural gas-fired generation can play in integrating large amounts of wind generation, including relevant international experience. View Summary +