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If the video is not visible, please accept all cookies to enable the player. In February 2021, an energy crisis in the U.S. state of Texas dominated the news around the globe. Citizens in homes unequipped for freezing temperatures… View Summary +
Die Ereignisse am Strommarkt in Texas im Februar 2021 waren ein traumatisches Ereignis. Jedoch kann man eine Wiederholung verhindern, wenn man die Ursachen kennt. Wir wollen die wichtigsten Aspekte hervorheben. So führten die Winterstürme zu Bedingungen, die möglicherweise seit 100… View Summary +
Het ligt in onze menselijke aard te zoeken naar bevestiging van voorafnames. Dat was in de eerste reacties op de blackouts door de winterstorm in Texas niet anders. Ook in België, waar de politieke zenuwen gespannen staan door de nakende… View Summary +
Othello: “But this denoted a foregone conclusion.” Iago: “Tis a shrewd doubt, though it be but a dream And this may help to thicken other proofs … View Summary +
Offshore wind is a special resource. The fact that there is little legacy infrastructure, coupled with the impressive European ambition of expanding the current capacity of 12 GW to 300 GW by 2050, raises an important question: How can we… View Summary +
Smart charging represents the intersection where decarbonising power and electrifying transport meet. It is a crucial building block for a sustainable energy system to power electric cars through solar and wind energy. Encouraging consumers to shift electric vehicle charging to… View Summary +
Given the urgency of the transition to clean energy, Europe has set its sights high. The European Union aims to halve greenhouse gas emissions in the next ten years and attain net zero by 2050. Electrification from renewable energy resources will play an important role in these decarbonisation efforts. The European Commission envisions offshore wind will meet 25%… View Summary +
PJM and the other U.S. independent system operators/regional transmission operators have a record of delivering enormous consumer benefits in the 20-plus years since organized wholesale markets were first introduced in the United States. But the Minimum Offer Price Rule order… View Summary +
With its pending Green Deal, the European Commission is striving to make Europe the first climate-neutral region by 2050. A lot is at stake with this goal. The transition to clean energy can help mitigate climate change and bring extensive… View Summary +
Nella recente proposta di Piano nazionale integrato per l’energia e il clima, l’Italia ha fissato degli obiettivi ambiziosi per aumentare le quote di energie rinnovabili e si è impegnata a chiudere tutte le centrali a carbone entro il 2025. In… View Summary +