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September 25, 2015
Obama-Xi Joint Presidential Statement on Climate Change Promises Much-Needed Reform of Generator Dispatch in China
In China, generator dispatch—which largely determines how the vast fleet of power plants are used on an hour-by-hour basis—has long been inefficient and a major obstacle to meeting China’s air quality and clean energy goals. In addition to the curtailment… View Summary +
September 2, 2015
New Chinese Air Law Integrates Energy and Environmental Policy
- Christopher James
The National People’s Congress (NPC) adopted revisions to China’s air law on August 29th that will go into effect on January 1, 2016. Last revised in 2000, the new law is intended to respond to and reduce… View Summary +
August 6, 2015
Deepening Power Sector Reform in China: The Essential Role of Power Sector Planning
The Power Sector Reform guidance issued in March recognizes the need for a major revamp of power sector planning, and official announcements indicate that the 13th Five-Year Plan is taking up the task. This will be… View Summary +
August 3, 2015
Hit the Ground Running on EPA’s Clean Power Plan: 12 Steps for Effective, Least-Cost Compliance
- John Shenot ,
- Ken Colburn
EPA is expected to finalize its Clean Power Plan (also known as its “111(d) rule”) today. Once published in the Federal Register, states may have only one year (or in some cases, two years) to develop initial… View Summary +
July 2, 2015
- David Crossley
在一些国家,电力公司将终端能源效率作为一项资源,用以满足客户的能源服务需求。能效被看作是一种具有成本效益的供应侧资源来进行投资,等同于建设电厂和扩建电网。按照这种认识,提高能效将能够为电力系统、电力用户、以及整个社会带来多种效益。 2011年,中国中央政府制定了… View Summary +
July 2, 2015
Increasing Opportunities for Utility Delivery of DSM and Energy Efficiency in China
- David Crossley
In several jurisdictions around the world, electric utilities employ end-use energy efficiency as a resource in meeting their customers’ needs for energy services. Energy efficiency is seen as a cost-effective alternative to investing in supply-side resources, such… View Summary +
June 25, 2015
Reliability Standard: I Do Not Think it Means What you Think it Means
Much like the character Inigo Montoya who, in the movie The Princess Bride questions Vizzini’s relentless repetition of the word “inconceivable,” I find myself wondering whether many of those who insist over and over again that the EPA’s… View Summary +
June 18, 2015
Brussels, Don’t Leave Customer Participation in the Electricity Market to the Incumbents!
- Philip Baker
Allowing customers to participate directly in electricity markets is crucial both to making those markets more efficient and to reducing the costs of integrating renewable energies. The Commission’s Energy Union Market Design Initiative currently under development represents a unique opportunity… View Summary +
June 1, 2015
The Clean Power Plan: Just Say, “No Regrets”
- John Shenot ,
- David Farnsworth
Much of the controversy associated with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Clean Power Plan has to do with disputes about whether the agency has the authority to set greenhouse gas emissions limits for power plants based only on… View Summary +