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July 20, 2022
‘Game on’ for Germany’s heat pump transformation
Time is of the essence if Germany hopes to meet its ambitious net-zero emissions target by 2045. To achieve this goal, the country will have to rapidly transform how it heats its buildings while ridding itself of Russian gas. Alongside… View Summary +
July 8, 2022
Making sense of India’s fast-changing policy landscape: Integrated modelling to inform decision-making
- Kakali Mukhopadhyay ,
- Ranjit Bharvirkar ,
- Frederick Weston
With several notable recent economic reforms, India is one of the fastest-growing emerging economies. The country aspires to become a $5 trillion economy by 2024-25 and a $10 trillion one by 2030. There is ample evidence that India’s growth… View Summary +
July 8, 2022
The E3-India model: It’s come a long way
- Hector Pollitt ,
- Ranjit Bharvirkar ,
- Frederick Weston
In 2016, the Regulatory Assistance Project approached Cambridge Econometrics about building a new macroeconomic modelling tool for India. The rationale for the model was simple: India needed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, but much of the policy to… View Summary +
July 6, 2022
House power: the hidden powerhouse of the new energy landscape
- Sophie Yule-Bennett
Raoul Dufy’s 1937 fresco La Fée Électricité — an arresting 600 square metre tribute to “the great adventure of electricity” — depicts science and technology leaps such as Faraday’s discovery of electromagnetic induction, Gramme’s direct current dynamo, Baudot’s… View Summary +
June 22, 2022
Utilities Want to Provide EV Fleet “Advisory Services.” Should Regulators Approve?
- Jeff Ackermann
As the electrification of vehicle fleets goes mainstream, fleet owners are facing a gauntlet of challenges, starting with engaging their electric service provider. The utility response of providing “advisory services” is both creative and presents new challenges for utility and… View Summary +
June 16, 2022
Navigating towards net-zero power system: it is not the ‘heading’ but the ‘course’
The energy price and supply risks we are facing today are making the decarbonisation of the power sector by 2035 an even more significant challenge. But if we deviate the heading of our ship from the course for longer than… View Summary +
May 24, 2022
A Song in the Key of E: Emissions, Efficiency, Equity, and Electrification
- Frederick Weston
A lot of folks out there (including we at RAP) have, for the last four decades, been devising ways to make utilities more economically efficient, their customers more energy-efficient, and the power system cleaner, sustainable, more equitable, and non-emitting. But… View Summary +
May 19, 2022
Surf’s Up: Catching the IIJA Wave
I’m learning how to surf. For my birthday, my kids got together and bought me a surfboard. One day last summer I spent about three hours in the waves off of Popham Beach in Maine trying to figure things… View Summary +
May 18, 2022
Cutting ties, forging alliances: how transport electrification and renewable electricity can reshape Europe’s economic landscape
Along with the existing environmental and economic rationale for ending reliance on fossil fuels, the war in Ukraine has motivated many in the European Union to increase energy sovereignty. One of the larger fossil fuel consuming sectors is transportation, for… View Summary +
May 18, 2022
- Frederick Weston
中国在朝着放开电力批发市场的方向稳步前行。谨慎地实施运行调度以及电价改革,改善了电力体系的运行效率,揭示了低成本、零碳排放的可再生能源的真实价值,并提高了系统的总体可靠性。 然而,挑战依旧存在。其中一点尤为特殊,即如何为各受益者公平地分摊及回收输电成本。这个问题没有完美的解决方案,也很容易搞砸。制定正确的(或者至少大部分正确的)输电价格是解决问题的关键,如果这一点没做好,就会削弱其他市场改革的效力,而这些改革对经济效率和低碳转型是非常必要的。 1965年11月,加拿大东部和美国东北部大部分地区停电,这之后社会上便流传着一个或真或假关于电网故障的故事。当时,3000万人断电13个小时,经济停滞不前,民众对失去公共安全的恐惧激增。加拿大的一条输电线路因设备故障而离线,导致一系列的输电线路负荷过载,最终无法运行。防止重蹈覆辙成为当年闹得满城风雨的政治事件。不过,几天后发生的事情则可能只是传言。… View Summary +