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March 7, 2018
Deutschland muss endlich den europäischen Strommarkt unterstützen
- Philip Baker ,
- Andreas Jahn
Der EU-Energiebinnenmarkt würde enorme Werte schaffen. Verbraucher könnten von Milliardeneinsparungen profitieren, Jahr für Jahr. Doch die Nationalstaaten blockieren. Insbesondere Deutschland muss endlich seiner Verantwortung als zentrales Bindeglied im europäischen Stromnetz nachkommen, fordern Philip Baker und Andreas Jahn vom Regulatory Assistance… View Summary +

March 7, 2018
Don’t be fooled: ‘Efficiency First’ is a necessary discipline
- Jan Rosenow ,
- Richard Cowart ,
- Edith Bayer
The idea of “Efficiency First” is on the line in ongoing EU talks. Member States must realise that this is no mere slogan but a real necessity, write Dr. Jan Rosenow, Richard Cowart, and Edith Bayer. According to a… View Summary +

February 20, 2018
Regional cooperation and integrated energy markets at risk
- Christos Kolokathis ,
- Philip Baker
A much more interconnected European energy market, ensuring regional cooperation and cutting out waste, makes so much sense for consumers, for security of supply, and for decarbonisation. When the European Commission first outlined its vision for a genuine Energy Union… View Summary +

February 14, 2018
A step backward – European Member States threaten to reverse progress on Single Electricity Market
- Philip Baker ,
- Christos Kolokathis
The European Council’s proposals on the internal energy market fundamentally weaken the framework that is needed to deliver an integrated market that will benefit European energy consumers, write Philip Baker and Christos Kolokathis from the global energy policy advisors Regulatory… View Summary +

February 12, 2018
As Reliable as Your Morning Coffee: Why Do We Go Overboard on Generation Resource Adequacy?
On a recent Tuesday morning, we had a blackout here in Key West. Five Brothers Grocery, the best Cuban coffee shop in town, is just around the corner, and owner Heriberto “Pepe” Paez was out of the café con leche… View Summary +

January 30, 2018
Calming Chicken Little: An EV Grid Tale Without the Scary Ending
- Jim Lazar
When kids hear the fairy tale Chicken Little, they learn that a confused little bird is hit on the head with an acorn and concludes the sky is falling. It then manages to convince a handful of other animals of… View Summary +

January 22, 2018
2017年底国家发改委、国家能源局联合发布了《关于开展分布式发电市场化交易试点的通知》 (发改能源[2017]1901号),为就近利用分布式能源资源迈出了新的一步。这一通知规定了分布式发电交易模式和组织形式,并对其中关键问题,如“过网费”、相关补贴和可再生能源配额和节能减排权益等做出了具体的说明。有分析认为新出台的市场化交易政策可以大幅提高分布式发电的收益,同时降低大工业用户以及工商业用户的用电成本,从而推动分布式光伏发电在售电侧的平价上网。睿博能源智库最近就分布式发电市场化举措,也做出了评论。… View Summary +

January 19, 2018
Time for German network operators to come clean about tariffs
Network tariffs are an important part of energy costs for consumers, yet, surprisingly, the way these fees are established in Germany is completely opaque, writes Andreas Jahn, Berlin-based senior associate at global energy policy advisors Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP). According… View Summary +

January 11, 2018
The quiet power market transformation behind the new carbon market in China
In December, the Chinese government announced the launch of a national carbon emissions trading scheme (ETS), which is expected to become the largest ETS in the world. This is a major development, writes Max Dupuy, senior associate at the Regulatory… View Summary +

January 4, 2018
Environmental Permits Can Help to Implement Power Sector Reform
- Christopher James
During my trip to China this past October and November, my tenth such during that time of year, I wore my facemask only once, on a day when the air quality index (AQI) was 260. While an AQI of 260… View Summary +