Jay Griffin provides over 20 years’ experience of analysis and implementation of clean energy policy in support of RAP’s U.S. team. In 2022, he finished his term on the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission where he served as Chair for over 3 years. During his time, the Commission led an award-winning, stakeholder engagement process to implement performance-based regulation for the state’s largest electric utility. In addition, the Commission oversaw the largest procurements of utility-scale renewable energy in state history and transition plans to retire aging, fossil-fueled power plants, including Hawaii’s last coal plant. To support these plant retirements, the Commission also directed new and existing customer programs to help meet peak demand periods with distributed energy resources.
Prior to serving on the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission, Griffin was an assistant researcher at the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute at the University of Hawaii. His research focused on grid integration studies of renewable energy and demonstration projects to support the state’s clean energy goals. From 2012 to 2016, he served as the chief of policy and research at the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission.
Jay Griffin has a doctorate in policy analysis from the Pardee Rand Graduate School where he also served as a policy researcher from 2004 to 2009. He holds a master’s in economics from the University of California at Santa Barbara and a joint master’s degree from Duke University in public policy and environmental management. Griffin graduated from Williams College with a bachelor’s degree in political economy.
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