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The European Commission is currently developing an electrification strategy to deliver this vital tool for meeting EU climate targets. One aspect that has been historically overlooked is the contribution of energy efficiency policy in the electrification process. Up to now,… View Summary +

Heat pumps, a critical technology for clean energy systems, are becoming the most important technology for heating decarbonisation. Currently, the vast majority of heat is provided by fossil fuels. In order to promote and encourage heat pump installations across the… View Summary +

About this Report: Heat pumps, a critical technology for clean energy systems, are becoming the most important technology for heating decarbonisation. Currently, the vast majority of heat is provided by fossil fuels. In order to promote and encourage… View Summary +

Policymakers across the globe are searching for solutions to reduce the use of fossil fuels and their associated climate impacts. Attention has focused on the heating sector, which relies heavily on fossil fuels and was responsible for almost 40% of… View Summary +

Comme dans de nombreux autres pays européens, les bâtiments français dépendent encore fortement des combustibles fossiles pour le chauffage et le rafraîchissement des locaux et la production d’eau chaude sanitaire. Cette situation est préoccupante si l’on considère que ces utilisations… View Summary +

As in many other European countries, France’s buildings still rely heavily on fossil fuels for space heating and hot water production. This is troublesome considering these uses account for more than one-third of the country’s final energy consumption. The move… View Summary +

The Council of the European Union voted on 25 July 2023 to adopt the final text of the recast of the Energy Efficiency Directive. This was the last step in the decision-making process and is the… View Summary +

To meet decarbonisation goals, global renewable power capacity will need to more than triple by 2030, according to leading energy agencies. Centralised renewable generation will not deliver this level of change on its own, nor should it. Distributed energy resources… View Summary +

Pompy ciepła to jedna z kluczowych technologii na drodze transformacji energetycznej, już niedługo stanie się najważniejszą technologią dla dekarbonizacji ogrzewnictwa. Obecnie zdecydowana większość ciepła do gospodarstw domowych jest dostarczana przez paliwa kopalne. W celu promowania i zachęcania do instalowania pomp… View Summary +

Europe is heavily reliant on fossil fuels in the heating sector. The EU has set itself a goal of deploying 30 million additional heat pumps by 2030. To advance the transition away from fossil fuels in the heating sector,… View Summary +