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For the kind attention of: Shri Irfan Ahmad Chief Engineer (PS&LF) PS&LF Division, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram New Delhi – 110066 11 May 2023 Background: The CEA is the primary national source of load forecasting, at the level of all-India,… View Summary +

About this Report: In 2020, the Chinese government announced its twin intent to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Since establishing these landmark objectives, often referred to as the “dual carbon targets,” China… View Summary +

Smt M. Guha Roy, IAS Secretary to the West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission Reference: WBERC/Regulation-74/22-23/3642 11 April 2023 The Regulatory Assistance Project is an independent global NGO advancing policy innovation and thought leadership within the energy community. Our mission is… View Summary +

Heat pumps are widely seen as the most important technology when it comes to decarbonising heating. Organisations including the International Energy Agency and McKinsey see heat pumps providing most of our heating… View Summary +

The cost of heating leaves many European households feeling burnt. Three-quarters of our heat is still supplied by expensive fossil fuels, and heating homes is Europe’s biggest gas user, which creates a twin dilemma: How do we clean up heat,… View Summary +

Europe is heavily reliant on fossil fuels in the heating sector. The EU has set itself a goal of deploying 30 million additional heat pumps by 2030. To advance the transition away from fossil fuels in the heating sector,… View Summary +
The government of the United Kingdom is currently consulting on whether it should mandate that all new gas boilers sold from 2025 be ‘hydrogen-ready’ — that is, they can potentially be converted to run on pure hydrogen in case… View Summary +

RAP developed a model rule for use by U.S. state and local air quality regulators to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from water heaters. This technical support document was published to assist regulators and staff in understanding and making… View Summary +