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Throughout Europe, energy communities are becoming more abundant as the continent moves towards a cleaner, greener future. It’s easy to see why many people find them appealing — these communities allow organised groups of energy consumers more of a say… View Summary +
In its 2030 Climate Target plan, the European Commission suggests raising the ambition of the EU’s energy efficiency policies to reach climate neutrality by 2050. It mentions the possibility of increasing the energy savings obligations under Article 7 of the… View Summary +
The five-province Southern Grid region has long been a testing ground for new policies and reforms. Most recently, the central government asked the region to become the first integrated regional electricity spot market. Starting from the central government’s call for… View Summary +
España se ha marcado algunos de los objetivos más ambiciosos de toda Europa en el ámbito de la energía renovable. El país tiene la intención de duplicar el porcentaje de energías renovables en el mix eléctrico e ir de un… View Summary +
Spain has set some of the most ambitious renewable energy targets in Europe. The country is planning to double the share of renewables in its electricity mix from roughly 37% in 2015 to 74% in 2030, with solar and wind… View Summary +
Cheap agricultural electricity has bedevilled the Indian power sector for decades, but enhanced agricultural demand-side management won’t solve the problem alone Virtually everyone with a working knowledge of the Indian power sector will agree that one of the sector’s biggest… View Summary +
Rural populations in India continually face great challenges when it comes to earning and maintaining a sustainable living. With up to 70% of rural Indians working in the agricultural sector, those challenges will only become more substantial as climate change… View Summary +
In December 2019, the European Network of Transmission System operators for Electricity, ENTSO-E, asked stakeholders to comment on the organisation’s proposal for a Methodology for a European Resource Adequacy Assessment (ERAA). The purpose of the ERAA is to assess the risks… View Summary +
As India progresses toward meeting its renewable energy targets, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) is gearing up to implement a continuum of wholesale electricity market products. These will help facilitate large scale renewable energy grid integration and optimize system… View Summary +
In this chapter of Decentralised Energy: A Global Game Changer, Ranjit Bharvirkar takes a look at how centralized provision of electricity in India has never been reliable for millions of consumers. It was always supplemented by alternative sources – both economically and… View Summary +