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August 28, 2023
自2021年7月,国家发改委发布《关于进一步完善分时电价机制的通知》(《通知》)以来,全国各省都积极响应了国家号召。截止到2023年1月,全国32个省级行政区都已经逐渐推出了符合地方负荷及电力资源特性的分时电价(云南、福建处于征求意见阶段)。如此大规模地在全国范围内推广分时电价,中国已在施行范围内走在了世界前列。除此之外,各省也按照《通知》的指示,扩大峰谷比,并且个别省份(如广西)会根据省内电力系统情况,灵活调整分时电价执行。以上几点都能够看出,中国的分时电价整体来看在朝着不断完善的方向发展。 然而,分时电价的成效取决于实施细节。一个研究对美国国内163个试点时变电价设计(time-varying… View Summary +

July 15, 2023
Zeitvariable Netzentgelte für eine flexible Energiewelt
- Andreas Jahn ,
- Mareike Herrndorff
Ein Stein kommt ins Rollen. Die Bundesnetzagentur hat verkündet, dass sie zum Januar 2024 zeitvariable Netzentgelte einführen will. Mit dem vorliegenden, detaillierten Festlegungsentwurf zum Paragrafen 14a des Energiewirtschaftsgesetzes wurde eine zweite Konsultationsrunde eingeläutet. Gerade einmal fünf Monate danach soll es mit der… View Summary +

June 23, 2023
From the Ground Up: Rural Electric Co-ops Can Lead on Decarbonization
- Megan Anderson ,
- Ken Colburn ,
- Camille Kadoch
With the Biden-Harris administration’s recent announcement of $11 billion for rural energy providers to electrify and decarbonize, rural electric cooperatives now have the boost they need to apply their nimble capabilities and lead the energy transition. Although energy… View Summary +

June 8, 2023
浅谈“负电价”的正面价值——访睿博能源智库项目主任Max Dupuy
- Regulatory Assistance Project ,
- Max Dupuy
近日负电价备受关注。 睿博能源智库项目主任Max Dupuy在接受中能传媒记者的采访时,结合国际电力市场的经验,介绍了出现负电价的原因及释放出来的信号。他认为,在一个设计周密的电力现货市场中,出现负电价不一定代表不合理的市场行为,这可能预示着向更清洁、成本更低的资源过渡的机会。 出现负电价不一定不合理… View Summary +

May 22, 2023
Navigating the Workforce Bottleneck
- Mary MacPherson ,
- Camille Kadoch
The workforce is the driving engine of the economy. This adage is equally true even when the engine is efficient and electric. Clean energy jobs in the fields of energy efficiency and electrification are increasing. While the U.S. workforce grew… View Summary +

May 15, 2023
Prudent Gas System Planning Can Minimize Risk
- Elaine Prause
According to the American Gas Association, from 2018 to 2020, natural gas utilities added an average of 753,619 customers and 20,724 miles of pipeline each year. This equates to adding more than one customer per minute and more than… View Summary +

April 24, 2023
Time for a System Update: Financing our Buildings’ Future
- Cliff Majersik ,
- Caitlin Caplinger
Buildings should last decades or longer, but to do so they must be periodically modernized — and that’s challenging when financing options are limited. This means we are missing opportunities to implement new technologies that support efficiency, health and productivity… View Summary +

April 17, 2023
A Chance to Transform Weatherization Programs
- David Smedick ,
- Camille Kadoch
Across the country, state and local governments are awaiting a windfall investment from the federal government to modernize infrastructure and ensure energy security. Everything from housing to bridges, airports and the electric grid will receive an injection of funds to… View Summary +

April 12, 2023
Flex and the city: Cities need dynamic pricing for public charging
City dwellers without their own parking space, small business owners such as taxi drivers and a growing number of car-sharing users rely on the public charging network to access electric driving. The affordability of electric vehicles (EVs), compared to the… View Summary +

April 10, 2023
Opening the Door: How Officials Can Improve Access to Energy Decision-Making
- Chandra Farley ,
- David Farnsworth
In a representative democracy, all citizens have the right to access government services, to meaningfully contribute to government decisions and to share equitably in the benefits of government programs. The many decisions made in Washington, D.C., have important implications for… View Summary +