Alessandro Celestino oversees day-to-day planning, management, and coordination of activities for RAP's Europe team. He also plays a pivotal role in the development and implementation of the team’s strategy. Celestino is an experienced project manager and expert in EU fundraising and bidding. He has supervised and managed a wide portfolio of multi-stakeholder projects in the field of climate change and environmental protection, working in China, Germany, Italy, and Belgium.
Prior to joining RAP, Alessandro Celestino held several positions with the Italian Ministry for the Environment, gathering in-depth experience over the course of more than a decade. He began his work in Brussels, providing EU relations and EU grant support. Celestino then moved to Beijing to act as project supervisor, before serving as program manager for the Sino-Italian Cooperation Program for Environmental Protection, a program jointly managed with the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China with a budget of 180M euro over 10 years.
Alessandro Celestino holds an undergraduate degree in foreign languages and literature from Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” and earned a master’s degree in international management of cultural and not-for-profit organisations from Università degli Studi di Genova. He also holds a certificate from the University of International Business and Economics of Beijing (China), where he completed advanced training in business development and Mandarin Chinese. In addition to his mother tongue of Italian, he speaks fluent German, English and French, and has reached an upper intermediate level in Chinese.
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2023年11月10日,国家发改委和国家能源局联合印发了《关于建立煤电容量补偿电价机制的通知》(发改价格〔2023〕1501号)。2024年初,各地相继出台了煤电容量补偿机制。然而若要引导电力系统转型朝着更加经济、环保的方向前进,必要的下一步是将公平竞争引入容量采购。虽然一些中央政策文件和市场规则鼓励新型资源(储能、需求侧资源、电动汽车)提供容量,目前仍鲜有项目落地——电力行业对于新型资源的可靠性和如何提供容量等问题仍缺乏共识。本文首先回归“容量”这一概念,并指出了多元新型资源提供容量的经济效应和可靠性,最后以美国东部的电力区域市场, ISO-NE为例,详细介绍了需求侧资源参与容量市场的流程。通过这一案例分析,本文重新审视了“唯有煤电才能提供容量”的论断,并且强调了(1)普适于多种资源的通用容量贡献评价标准和(2)竞争采购过程对于系统可靠性的重要作用。 本文首刊于《能源决策参考》,2024年6月28日… Read More +