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May 8, 2021
Building insulation: Is hydrogen our get out of jail free card?
In the board game Monopoly, an important feature is the ‘get out of jail free’ card, which allows players who end up in jail to avoid paying a fine to get out. In recent months, gas industry representatives have… View Summary +
May 4, 2021
India’s electric grid reliability and its importance in the clean energy transition
- Rasika Athawale
Not too long ago, electricity consumers across states in India used to suffer long and frequent power outages. Daily or weekly load shedding – pre-defined intervals for planned power supply cut-off – was so prevalent that people used to plan… View Summary +
April 27, 2021
Sweetening the deal for heat decarbonisation
Many governments recognise the link between sugar consumption, obesity and diabetes. As a result, sugar taxes are now in place in more than 50 jurisdictions, including nine European countries. The UK and Ireland introduced modest sugary drinks taxes in… View Summary +
April 22, 2021
How to get from a cottage industry to a million heat pumps a year
- Jan Rosenow ,
- Pedro Guertler ,
- Richard Lowes
The UK has made incredible strides in decarbonising its power system beyond what many thought was possible. Carbon emissions were at a record low over the recent Easter weekend. While heat pumps have been seen as a strategically important sustainable… View Summary +
April 21, 2021
Pipe dream: alleviating energy poverty with hydrogen
The debate about how to reduce emissions from home heating is hotting up, but it risks being derailed by vocal proponents for the use of hydrogen in place of fossil gas. Affordable home heating with hydrogen is, quite literally, a… View Summary +
April 13, 2021
Use Less, Save More: Adding a Conservation Incentive to Percentage of Income Payment Programs
- Janine Migden-Ostrander
For low-income households, being able to afford utility service is a constant struggle. The average American household spends 2-3% of its income on its energy bills, but for a low-income family, the energy burden can be more like 15-20% (or… View Summary +
March 25, 2021
- Wang Xuan ,
- Max Dupuy ,
- Fredrich (Fritz) Kahrl
近年来,中国以及世界各国的电力系统正在发生着根深蒂固的变化。在供应侧,大规模可再生能源并网需要有更灵活的运行机制,在需求侧,新兴的发用电技术和应用包括可再生能源分布式发电、电动汽车、储能和电气化改变了传统的集中式发用电模式。此外,能源通讯系统的数字化智能化使得终端用户可以对外部电价做出响应。这些变化正驱动各国政府思考和完善销售电价政策,以促进电力系统朝着安全,清洁和高效的方向发展。 去年年底,多个省份(甘肃,山东,… View Summary +
March 17, 2021
Drama aus dem wahren Leben: Lernen aus einer texanischen Tragödie
- Michael Hogan ,
- Andreas Jahn ,
- Christian Redl ,
- Philipp Litz
Die Ereignisse am Strommarkt in Texas im Februar 2021 waren ein traumatisches Ereignis. Jedoch kann man eine Wiederholung verhindern, wenn man die Ursachen kennt. Wir wollen die wichtigsten Aspekte hervorheben. So führten die Winterstürme zu Bedingungen, die möglicherweise seit 100… View Summary +
March 12, 2021
Be Strategic with Your EV Funding: The Essential Charging Network
As the Rolling Stones once told us, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” That idea might certainly apply to jurisdictions that would love to have the resources to build out a comprehensive charging network for electric vehicles, but find… View Summary +
March 12, 2021
De elektrische truck: goed laadplan kan veel geld besparen
Tijdens de pandemie zijn we veel meer thuis én bestellen we meer online. De bestelbussen in de straat zijn daarom een steeds zichtbaarder onderdeel van de logistieke keten. De meeste CO2-uitstoot en geluidsoverlast van transport komt echter van vrachtwagens. View Summary +