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中国新的空气和环境法律扩大了监测、记录和报告的要求。应制定一个空气质量数据收集和管理的一体化系统,允许机构开发查询,执行质量保证和质量控制检查,帮助诊断不合规行为,评估仪器的性能,改善排放清单,并作为环境空气质量数据的交叉检查。… View Summary +
近年来,中国在环境法、环境税和大气法方面进行了完善,为确保企业遵守空气质量标准提供了坚实的基础。美国在1990年《清洁空气法修正案》颁布后,环保署和各州面临着实施大量新要求和标准的挑战,清洁空气法扩大实施与中国生态环保部扩展权限面临的挑战相似,因此,美国的一些经验也可供中国参考。本文重点介绍了政府部门可能需要考虑的具体领域,包括:1)监督和执行的一致性;2)跨空气流域的违规诊断;3)培训员工;4)制定处罚政策;以及5)在评估处罚时审查整个公司结构的重要性。… View Summary +
排污许可证是确保实现空气质量和温室气体目标有效制度的重要组成部分,是空气质量管理规划的五个基本要素之一,也是排放限制得以实施的机制。国际经验的最佳做法表明,许可证条款中应规定要达到的排放标准,以及确保合规的流程、程序、记录保存和报告要求。企业以自己的生产为目的应保留丰富的记录和数据。在许可证中,通过使用这些数据——包括运行参数、生产和维护记录——政府机构可以有效利用其资源。… View Summary +
In this report, produced with the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Synapse Energy Economics, RAP and Community Action Partnership take an in-depth look at the disparate impacts electric and natural gas infrastructure have on economic, social, and health… View Summary +
The State Council’s Ten Measures Action Plan and regional efforts like those in Jing-Jin-Ji, Yangzte River, and Pearl River Deltas have reduced the severity and duration of China’s air pollution. But pollution levels must drop by two-thirds or more from… View Summary +
China’s 13th Five-Year Plan includes goals to establish electricity markets and deepen progress toward improving air quality. But achieving the plan’s energy and environmental targets could result in unintended consequences, including increased pollution, shifting pollution from one region to another,… View Summary +
![Beijing China Financial District Skyline](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/beijing-skyline-680x420.jpg)
In a RAP webinar held on April 27th, 2017, we address the question of whether energy and environmental regulators can work together, in a more integrated and streamlined fashion, to achieve state energy and air quality goals. We think they can. Ken… View Summary +
As China moves through the process of testing approaches and implementing a national program for regulating carbon emissions, lessons from similar programs elsewhere in the world may prove useful. In particular, such a program requires a robust review… View Summary +
![RGGI Investments by Program Type](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/rggi-investments-program-type.jpg)
This report, produced by RTI International, provides guidance on U.S. best practices in air quality planning and recommendations intended to assist Jiangsu Province and the three pilot cities with developing the next generation of air quality plans. Control strategies are… View Summary +
Energy efficiency projects, despite their financial attractiveness and air-pollution-reducing benefits, often face institutional and technical barriers. In China, which has both severe air pollution and a sophisticated set of nationwide energy efficiency programs, more still needs to be… View Summary +
![Average Net Project Benefits per Ton of Lifecycle SO2 and NOX Reduction in Different Types of Industrial Projects](https://www.raponline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/rap-aess-james-avg-net-project-benefits-sox-nox-reduction-2016-aug-social-680x420.jpg)
The original agreement to develop the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), following a 2005 memorandum of understanding, included a provision for a “comprehensive review” of all aspects of the program. The successful experience of this program review illustrates… View Summary +
开展能效项目会产生一定的经济效益,而且可以通过减少当地的燃料消耗或削减火电厂的发电需求,显著地减少空气污染(包括降低温室气体排放的影响)。尽管如此,要充分挖掘具有吸引力的能效项目的巨大潜力,对所有的国家而言,仍然是一项严峻的挑战。这主要是由于体制上的障碍,分散的激励,交易成本过高,需要有技术专家负责项目的确定,对财务收益流或可能的风险认识不足,以及存在其它问题等。… View Summary +