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Content Filter: In the third in a series of webinars looking at heat pump adoption in regions across the country, practitioners from the Mountain West states discussed how they are delivering heating and cooling improvements in homes throughout their region. View Summary +

As Inflation Reduction Act funds get disbursed, are states making the most of their policies and programs to deliver efficient electrification through heat pump adoption? As RAP and CLASP’s webinar series on “Federal Dollars, State Policies and Heat Pumps:… View Summary +

电力现货市场的价格波动有利于提高市场效率和体现新能源的环境效益,但同时也会引发公众和政策制定者对价格波动的担忧。因此,当前中国电力现货市场设置了价格上限和下限,旨在稳定价格,避免剧烈的价格波动。但在实际操作中,过紧的价格管控也可能抑制市场价格调节机制的发挥,不利于清洁能源发展。比如,价格上限过低限制了灵活资源(如储能、需求响应)投资和参与,导致峰时电力供应不足,以致煤电资源冗余,反而增加系统成本;价格下限则阻碍了低价可再生能源的竞争优势体现,模糊了资源调度的优先顺序,并影响需求侧响应的积极性。 文章通过分析部分省级电力现货市场的实践(如山东市场允许负电价、蒙西市场设置较高的价格上限),结合一些海外电力市场实行的灵活管控经验,指出中国电力市场应适当放宽价格限制,允许价格更充分地反映供需关系,以进一步提高市场效率、促进清洁能源消纳、优化资源配置。 然而,放宽价格限制应以完善市场监管为前提。本文建议借鉴国际经验(例如美国FERC的市场力监管机制),结合中国实际情况,加强市场力监测和抑制机制,构建透明、公平、高效的电力市场。在完善监管的前提下,充分释放市场活力,实现价格机制的优化和电力市场的健康、可持续发展。 本文首刊于电联新煤,2025年1月17日… View Summary +

Denmark is a European frontrunner in heating decarbonisation. The country’s district heating systems serve the majority of buildings nationwide, especially in urban and suburban areas. District heating in Denmark increasingly relies on clean energy, benefits from efficiencies and economies of… View Summary +

In Part 1 of this blog series, we discussed our recently published model rule on emissions standards for space and water heaters. In the course of preparing the rule, we considered an important question: Are heat pumps cost-effective compared… View Summary +

Emissions standards remain a critical policy option that states can use to improve air quality and achieve climate goals, and since many larger sources of air pollution have been reduced significantly, regulating building emissions makes sense as a next step toward… View Summary +

Growing demand for electricity in buildings is creating new opportunities and challenges for electric and natural gas planning. Planning processes for the electric and gas systems are largely separate, and only a few jurisdictions have started to examine how they… View Summary +

Energy-insecure households must sometimes make difficult choices between maintaining safe indoor temperatures and electricity and providing essentials like food and medical care. At the same time, technology can offer an opportunity to help these households better manage their bills,… View Summary +

本文探讨了电动汽车充电分时电价的优化设计,提出了三个主要改进方向: 涵盖系统长期边际成本:当前的分时电价设计主要基于负荷或净负荷曲线,未能充分反映全面的系统成本。建议将长期成本纳入考虑,包括发电容量和输配电容量的扩建费用。文章特别强调了配电网扩容成本的重要性,建议将未来配电网扩容费用纳入分时电价设计。 释放分时电价的空间信号:目前的省级统一分时电价无法反映各地区电网运行的独特情况。建议将分时电价细化到更小的行政区域,甚至以变电站或馈线供电区域为单位。这有助于缓解电动汽车低谷期扎堆充电现象,并更好地反映配电网运行状况。 增强分时电价的时间信号:提出采用更灵活的时变电价结构,如紧急尖峰电价(Critical Peak Pricing-Variable)和紧急尖峰节电返利(Critical Peak Rebate)。这些方法可以更精准地反映电能成本的时间变化,并通过日前通知机制引导用户调整充电行为。 这些改进对于优化电网运行和投资具有重要意义。同时,这些建议不仅适用于电动汽车充电,也可广泛应用于其他需求侧资源管理。 本文首刊于《南方能源观察》,2024年12月20日… View Summary +