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Denmark is a European frontrunner in heating decarbonisation. The country’s district heating systems serve the majority of buildings nationwide, especially in urban and suburban areas. District heating in Denmark increasingly relies on clean energy, benefits from efficiencies and economies of… View Summary +

Industrial energy use — including for heat in industrial processes — is a significant source of carbon emissions in Europe, accounting for 20% of the region’s greenhouse gas emissions. To meet climate and renewable energy goals, industrial decarbonisation needs to… View Summary +

The European Commission is currently developing an electrification strategy to deliver this vital tool for meeting EU climate targets. One aspect that has been historically overlooked is the contribution of energy efficiency policy in the electrification process. Up to now,… View Summary +

Heat pumps, a critical technology for clean energy systems, are becoming the most important technology for heating decarbonisation. Currently, the vast majority of heat is provided by fossil fuels. In order to promote and encourage heat pump installations across the… View Summary +

Reducing emissions in Europe’s buildings necessitates replacing fossil fuel boilers with greener alternatives. Hybrid heat pumps have been considered by some to be an interim step between fossil fuel and electric heating. ‘Hybrid heat pump’ is a term which is… View Summary +

As countries around the world make progress towards decarbonisation, more sectors are shifting to cleaner, renewable resources. The grids, crucial infrastructure for decarbonising the power sector and the overall economy, are increasingly struggling as capacity grows scarce in some regions. View Summary +

Spain is a geographically diverse country, with climate zones to match: the hot, dry southern coast gives way to cool, snowy mountain ranges in the north. The sun, a valuable renewable energy resource, is an almost constant presence throughout the… View Summary +

In this Power System Blueprint deep dive, Dominic Scott takes a comprehensive look at the challenge of implementing nodal pricing in Europe. As the penetration of variable renewable resources and distributed energy resources continues to grow, the advantages of… View Summary +

With the European Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) now in force, national, regional and local authorities need to get EV grid integration right from the outset. Smart charging can help integrate more renewables, use existing grid infrastructure more efficiently to… View Summary +

A fast-growing market for electric vehicles and the nation’s commitment to achieving a net-zero emission economy by 2053 will require Türkiye to prepare its power grids for the EV transition. Authors from SHURA Energy Transition Center partnered with RAP and… View Summary +

The EU Green Deal includes, among its climate neutrality initiatives, promises to put “people first,” be “just and inclusive” and to “[leave] no one behind”. The package of legislation – the Fit for 55 package – introduced to deliver on… View Summary +

Jump to English summary Ziel der vorliegenden Analyse ist es, die Herausforderungen beim Netzanschluss von Ladeparks zu systematisieren und auch für Fachfremde nachvollziehbar darzustellen. Außerdem werden zentrale Lösungsansätze beschrieben und bewertet. Dafür haben wir drei typische Anwendungsfälle für verschiedene… View Summary +

Shifting gear to tackle power grid scarcity Power grids are fundamental to the energy transition. Due to their limited capacity, however, they are also proving to be a key barrier. Grid shortages are increasingly the new normal worldwide. Improving the use… View Summary +

Policymakers across the globe are searching for solutions to reduce the use of fossil fuels and their associated climate impacts. Attention has focused on the heating sector, which relies heavily on fossil fuels and was responsible for almost 40% of… View Summary +

Slovakia’s climate plans call for decarbonising buildings, shifting to clean technologies and reducing energy consumption. Fossil fuels currently provide 45% of heat and hot water in buildings, with biofuels and district heating — also fossil-fuel based — making significant additional… View Summary +