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With the European Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) now in force, national, regional and local authorities need to get EV grid integration right from the outset. Smart charging can help integrate more renewables, use existing grid infrastructure more efficiently to… View Summary +
A fast-growing market for electric vehicles and the nation’s commitment to achieving a net-zero emission economy by 2053 will require Türkiye to prepare its power grids for the EV transition. Authors from SHURA Energy Transition Center partnered with RAP and… View Summary +
The EU Green Deal includes, among its climate neutrality initiatives, promises to put “people first,” be “just and inclusive” and to “[leave] no one behind”. The package of legislation – the Fit for 55 package – introduced to deliver on… View Summary +
热泵是实现可再生能源高效利用的技术路径,是热电转换的最佳途径,是全球公认的节能减碳技术措施。中国清洁取暖国家战略的实施,推动了热泵供暖的广泛应用。作为全国“煤改电”先进示范区域,北京制定了多项清洁取暖政策,以全社会减碳量为目标,综合考虑能源结构和价格系统,对比多种技术间的减碳效益和经济成本,鼓励可持续长期减碳的高效热泵技术发展,禁止、限制新增及改建热源中高碳排放的燃煤、燃气供热占比,为北方地区城市供热发展提供了积极参考。… View Summary +
In an interactive webinar, Camille Kadoch of RAP and Amy Wagner of Evolved Energy Research presented the findings of a new report showing how enhanced demand flexibility from vehicle charging can unlock a significant amount of value to the power… View Summary +
Part of RAP and ICCT’s Benefits of EVs Through Smart Charging Global Project With economic forces and policy efforts encouraging transportation electrification, it is critical that electric vehicle (EV) demand on the power grid be carefully integrated to avoid unnecessarily… View Summary +
Jump to English summary Ziel der vorliegenden Analyse ist es, die Herausforderungen beim Netzanschluss von Ladeparks zu systematisieren und auch für Fachfremde nachvollziehbar darzustellen. Außerdem werden zentrale Lösungsansätze beschrieben und bewertet. Dafür haben wir drei typische Anwendungsfälle für verschiedene… View Summary +
Policymakers across the globe are searching for solutions to reduce the use of fossil fuels and their associated climate impacts. Attention has focused on the heating sector, which relies heavily on fossil fuels and was responsible for almost 40% of… View Summary +
建筑领域绿色低碳转型是中国实现双碳目标的重要战略举措,在碳达峰碳中和“1+N”政策体系下,住房城乡建设部在2022年3月印发的《“十四五”建筑节能与绿色建筑发展规划》明确了“提高建筑能效水平,优化建筑用能结构”的基本原则,更提出了“推动零碳建筑”和“近零能耗建筑”的项目试点。应用高能效供热系统是降低建筑总体能耗的一主要方式。放眼世界,很多设有“净零碳”排放目标的国家也已经开始计划并实行各种建筑供暖脱碳策略。电能热泵供暖(下面简称“热泵供暖”)和氢能锅炉燃烧绿氢供暖(下面简称“绿氢供暖”)便是正在被各国考虑和讨论的供暖主要路径的两种选择。 热泵供暖是国内比较熟悉的取暖方式,而绿氢供暖虽然小众,但其讨论热度却在逐渐上升。当前,欧洲一些地区正在尝试采用绿氢供暖。对于绿氢供暖的成本效益和可行性进行深入讨论已成为热点议题,尤其在英国,应该推荐哪种技术作为主要供暖方式、其余方式又该提供多少政府扶助等相关争论在英国已经推进了一段时间。本文参考英国的相关研究和讨论,对热泵和绿氢采暖的能效性、经济性和可行性进行了对比和分析,并从中总结了两个可能会对其它设有净零碳目标的国家具有参考意义的观点: 热泵具有更高的能源利用效率,并且有助于减污降碳协同、建筑电气化,与电力系统清洁转型等工作推进。 热泵供暖的总系统成本较之绿氢供暖更低,能降低社会在供热转型上的经济负担。… View Summary +
Slovakia’s climate plans call for decarbonising buildings, shifting to clean technologies and reducing energy consumption. Fossil fuels currently provide 45% of heat and hot water in buildings, with biofuels and district heating — also fossil-fuel based — making significant additional… View Summary +
在全球能源格局的变革中,越来越多的国家意识到,通过热泵供暖器、热泵热水器、电炉等家用电器实现室内用能的电气化是一种更经济、更安全的减排脱碳路径。尽管天然气相对来说是较为清洁的能源选择,但仍然是一种会产生污染和碳排放的化石燃料。作为能源消耗的主要领域,建筑领域应该逐渐削减对天然气的依赖。… View Summary +
Electrifying long-haul freight across Europe can dramatically reduce emissions from transport to help meet climate goals. To advance the use of electric trucks, Member States will need to build more high-capacity charging, or ‘megawatt charging,’ infrastructure along core freight corridors. View Summary +
Brazil has excellent experience with policy regarding electricity accessibility. The Luz para Todos program, enacted in 2003, had connected 17.2 million rural Brazilians with electricity by 2023. But in some areas, particularly the Legal Amazon, challenges to electricity access persist. View Summary +
To add vast new amounts of solar, wind and other variable renewable generation, the electricity system will need to become far more flexible. Customers have a central role in achieving this, by adapting how and when they use electricity. This demand-side… View Summary +
A power purchase agreement (PPA) is a contract used by a purchasing entity to procure electricity from a project developer. This contract specifies the volume and price of the energy purchased and the duration of the agreement. “Renewables PPAs” specifically… View Summary +