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Denmark is a European frontrunner in heating decarbonisation. The country’s district heating systems serve the majority of buildings nationwide, especially in urban and suburban areas. District heating in Denmark increasingly relies on clean energy, benefits from efficiencies and economies of… View Summary +

Growing demand for electricity in buildings is creating new opportunities and challenges for electric and natural gas planning. Planning processes for the electric and gas systems are largely separate, and only a few jurisdictions have started to examine how they… View Summary +

Part of RAP and ICCT’s Benefits of EVs Through Smart Charging Global Project With economic forces and policy efforts encouraging transport electrification, it is critical that electric vehicle (EV) demand on the power grid be carefully integrated to avoid unnecessarily… View Summary +

The European Commission is currently developing an electrification strategy to deliver this vital tool for meeting EU climate targets. One aspect that has been historically overlooked is the contribution of energy efficiency policy in the electrification process. Up to now,… View Summary +

Heat pumps, a critical technology for clean energy systems, are becoming the most important technology for heating decarbonisation. Currently, the vast majority of heat is provided by fossil fuels. In order to promote and encourage heat pump installations across the… View Summary +

车网融合是应对电动汽车充电需求快速增长的关键策略。通过智能有序充电,电动汽车不仅可以减轻对电网的压力,还能成为重要的灵活性资源。实现这一目标的基础在于通过交通和电力部门的紧密合作达成的车网协同规划。为推进车网协同规划,我们建议在进行电力规划时应首先考虑经合理疏导后电动汽车充电行为的灵活性,并且根据电网需要,通过扎实、基于实证的分析来推算合理优化后的有序充电行为,将优化后的充电曲线叠加其他负荷来相应安排电力投资计划。协同规划大致可以分为三步:(1)… View Summary +

This paper considers ways in which utilities and regulators can encourage electric vehicle owners’ participation in utility-managed charging programs. Unmanaged EV charging creates the risk of squandering electric system capacity and, instead, increasing system costs, which are borne by all… View Summary +

尽管热泵具备高效和环保的优势,但因多种因素,包括化石燃料的优惠政策和未全面量化的电网协同效益,热泵的推广仍面临挑战。现阶段,热泵的运行成本给供热企业造成了一种高于其他技术选择的错觉。因此,还需积极探索能够彰显热泵真正价值的方式,并寻找提升其市场竞争力的有效途径。… View Summary +

Reducing emissions in Europe’s buildings necessitates replacing fossil fuel boilers with greener alternatives. Hybrid heat pumps have been considered by some to be an interim step between fossil fuel and electric heating. ‘Hybrid heat pump’ is a term which is… View Summary +

With the European Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) now in force, national, regional and local authorities need to get EV grid integration right from the outset. Smart charging can help integrate more renewables, use existing grid infrastructure more efficiently to… View Summary +

A fast-growing market for electric vehicles and the nation’s commitment to achieving a net-zero emission economy by 2053 will require Türkiye to prepare its power grids for the EV transition. Authors from SHURA Energy Transition Center partnered with RAP and… View Summary +

The EU Green Deal includes, among its climate neutrality initiatives, promises to put “people first,” be “just and inclusive” and to “[leave] no one behind”. The package of legislation – the Fit for 55 package – introduced to deliver on… View Summary +

热泵是实现可再生能源高效利用的技术路径,是热电转换的最佳途径,是全球公认的节能减碳技术措施。中国清洁取暖国家战略的实施,推动了热泵供暖的广泛应用。作为全国“煤改电”先进示范区域,北京制定了多项清洁取暖政策,以全社会减碳量为目标,综合考虑能源结构和价格系统,对比多种技术间的减碳效益和经济成本,鼓励可持续长期减碳的高效热泵技术发展,禁止、限制新增及改建热源中高碳排放的燃煤、燃气供热占比,为北方地区城市供热发展提供了积极参考。… View Summary +

In an interactive webinar, Camille Kadoch of RAP and Amy Wagner of Evolved Energy Research presented the findings of a new report showing how enhanced demand flexibility from vehicle charging can unlock a significant amount of value to the power… View Summary +