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We believe that sharing our expertise and collaborations in clean energy policy is how real, effective change happens.
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In this webinar, RAP explores the merits of decoupling and describes how states can tailor decoupling mechanisms to work best for them. Drawing from the report Decoupling Design: Customizing Revenue Regulation to Your State’s Priorities, Janine Migden-Ostrander and Richard… View Summary +
Wenn von Dezentralität in der Energiewende gesprochen wird, dann häufig mit unterschiedlichen Verständnis und Standpunkt als auch entsprechendem Resümee. Einer spricht von der Größe der Erzeugungsanlagen, der andere von der geografischen Lage derselben, ein Dritter über die Akteure. Um die… View Summary +
The International Energy Agency (IEA) and RAP are conducting an in-depth analysis for the G7 on the design of market-based instruments for the delivery of energy efficiency. The study examines market mechanisms and economic instruments, such as auctions and tendering… View Summary +
On 30 November 2016, the European Commissions published its so-called “Winter Package” of energy legislation that will provide the framework for energy policy in the European Union for many years to come. It contains proposals for a broad range of energy-related… View Summary +
Ceny energii w Polsce mogą w kolejnych latach rosnąć ze względu na ogromne potrzeby inwestycyjne w energetyce. To bardzo zmotywuje do oszczędzania. Wraz z upowszechnianiem inteligentnego opomiarowania łatwiej też będzie liczyć wydatki na prąd. Dotychczas znaczenie klientów detalicznychna rynku energii… View Summary +
During this informational webinar hosted by the Pembina Institute, RAP’s Michael Hogan explores what capacity markets are, key design principles, and lessons learned from other jurisdictions. View Summary +
The “missing money problem” refers to the idea that prices for energy in competitive wholesale electricity markets may not adequately reflect the value of investment in the resources needed for reliable electric service. In this article published in The… View Summary +
Ensuring a stronger grid that is capable of withstanding a catastrophic event, or alternatively a grid for which outage durations can be minimized in such an event, involves several steps. First is prevention: identifying the grid’s weaknesses and how to… View Summary +
As we head into 2017, the U.S. power sector is still in the midst of a steady, technology-driven transformation. In a RAP webinar held on January 17, 2017, RAP’s Ken Colburn, Dr. Carl Linvill, David Littell, and Richard Sedano held… View Summary +
电力行业改革和碳市场建立,这两个政策进程从设计到执行都有着紧密的联系。在缺乏相互协调的情况下,各自设定的政策目标可能会面临重重挑战,并限制两个政策实际作用效果。这两个进程之间的价格信号传导被视为最为关键的联系之一,而现行的调度机制可能是制约碳市场促进电力行业低碳化的障碍。… View Summary +
The Chinese government is preparing to launch a national emission trading scheme (for carbon) in 2017, two years after it began a major effort to reform its power sector. To be effective, these efforts should be carefully integrated,… View Summary +
Natural gas as a power plant fuel has already played an important role in a transition to a low-carbon economy. However, while a transition to gas-fueled electricity is a carbon reduction strategy for a coal-reliant power system, putting… View Summary +
Die Entgelte für die Stromnetze steigen 2017 durchschnittlich deutlich an, entwickeln sich aber sehr unterschiedlich—zum einen im regionalen Vergleich, zum anderen mit Blick auf ihre strukturelle Aufteilung in Arbeits- und Grundpreis. Das zeigt eine aktuelle Kurzstudie im Auftrag von Agora… View Summary +
The EU’s energy infrastructure faces numerous challenges over the next decades. It needs to be decarbonized whilst ensuring the competitiveness of EU industry, providing energy security, addressing energy poverty, reducing energy bills, and empowering consumers, who play a crucial part… View Summary +
Under traditional regulation, utilities make more money when they sell more energy. Yet this reality is at odds with explicit public policy objectives that utility and environmental regulators are charged with achieving, including economic efficiency and environmental protection. Many utility-sector… View Summary +